Top Ten Reasons Why American Politicians Suck

The Top Ten
1 They are racist

I wouldn't think racial discrimination is the major factors to hate American Politics because it's just everywhere. This reason is just not crossing the bridge because for one, the United States is a multiracial country and for two they had a Black President. Even though democrats haven't reached a lengthy leadership in the past, they aren't the ones to blame

I don't think removing American politics would make racism magically disappear.

2 They cause terrorism

I've heard that violence for political gains is becoming more accepted, which is actually disturbing.

These people sieged Iraq for no real reason other than money and attention

3 They intentionally antagonize someone for their agenda

I wish the political parties sorted out their differences and actually try to work together to make America better, but nope.

4 They are corrupt
5 They cause nothing but problems
6 They are stupid
7 They don't care about domestic terrorism

Here's a basic commonsense question Should KKK be labeled as a Terrorist group similar to the likes of ISIS? Yes they should but what's their response well they said "White Supremacy exist and can't be stopped" dude.

8 They only care for the elite class

We don't need any more politicians that worships the rich and flips off the poor. We have far too much of them already.

9 They are ignorant

I thought these people oppose Muslim, Black, Asians ignorance not discriminate them

10 They lie

ALL politicians lie. It's in their job description. We shouldn't hate them for sticking to what they do best.

Finding a politician who doesn't lie is harder than finding all of the world's Astatine.

The Contenders
11 There are only two major political parties

I wouldn't have a huge problem with this problem if both political parties were actually good, but nope.

12 They are a bunch of 80 year olds who know nothing about the present
13 They only care about money
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