Top Ten Worst Things That Could Happen When Turning In Homework

The Top Ten
1 You realize you don't have it.

Happened to me too many times.

2 Someone grabs it from you and rips it apart
3 You accidentally fold it so dense that it becomes a black hole

I was watching this Vsauce video and I heard that if you condense Earth into the size of a peanut, the gravity produced by it would create a black hole. Making folds that dense might be a "little" hard though.

4 The teacher says that she/he doesn't need it after you worked hours on an assignment

SpongeBob had the same problem. He got ripped in half as a result.

5 You spill water on it

Well, it's game over now.

6 A fire starts in the classroom, putting you and the paper on fire
7 Positronwildhawk crushes your paper and throws into the Large Hadron Collider
8 Getting a paper cut as you hand it in

Especially if it's between fingers.

9 You get a nosebleed and your paper gets stained
10 It gets blown outside by a strong air conditioner
The Contenders
11 It rips in half
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