Top 10 Featured Songs In South Park
The 10 best real songs in South Park that were either played as they are or sung by a character without being parodied. This is my opinion but can be subjectively changed. The ranks will be based on how good I think the songs are and how well they fit with the episode.List Creator: No.2: The Kansas classic Carry On Wayward Son was featured in 'Guitar Queer-O', a very good episode of South Park. It is the main song while they play Guitar Hero, I assume chosen because it is featured in the real Guitar Hero 2. I may be judged for this, but this episode was the first time I had heard this song, and I love it, particularly the very fitting guitar solos. It makes the perfect Guitar Hero song in the episode so I have ranked it very high on this list.
List Creator: No.4: Fleetwood Mac's quiet classic Landslide was featured in the season 15 mid season finale of South Park in 'You're Getting Old' to make the perfect exit. The song is used very well in the episode to create an emotional end that made us almost feel like it was the end of South Park completely. This song was very important as the ending wouldn't nearly be as effective without the song, so I placed it well on the list.
List Creator: No.5: Poker Face by Lady Gaga was sung by Eric Cartman in 'Whale Whores'. This scene is near the start of the episode when Stan asks the guys to join him to stop the Japanese killing dolphins and whales, but they instead carry on singing Poker Face on Rock Band. Everyone knows this song and I think this was a really cool reference to the song, Cartman's version was very funny. When it comes to popular 2009 cover songs, Boom Boom Pow by Butters was close to making the list, but Pokah Face is a clear winner.
List Creator: number 1: Live To Win by Paul Stanley was featured in 'Make Love, Not Warcraft' which is my personal all time favourite episode. The song makes the perfect montage song in the episode and is a very memorable moment. For a lot of people, this is the first time they would have heard the song, bringing well deserved popularity to a quality song, it therefore tops the list.
List Creator: No.6: Wing (the singing Japanese lady) sung a few songs in the episode titled 'Wing' in season 9. The episode was based around the character with a very nice singing voice of a 'dericate rittle frower'. I only recently found out that Wing and these songs are real, and I've listened to her full cover songs and they aren't bad. These were really nice songs that made a great story for the episode.
List Creator: No.3: Heat Of The Moment by Asia was featured on the infamously sad 'Kenny Dies' When Cartman sings the song to lift the ban of stem cell research, and this heart-warming number does the trick (even if though it turns out Cartman did this for selfish and uncaring reasons). This song isn't well heard of in the UK, so it was the first time I had heard this song too. As I've listened to these songs in preparation of making this list, I've come to really like the song and I think it is brilliantly performed in the episode so it takes the no.3 spot.
List Creator: No.7: I Swear by All-4-One was sung again by Cartman featured in 'Cartman Finds Love' in season 16. The song is sort of a parody, but I'm considering it a featured song because it is more the situation being made fun of than the song. Cartman sings this perfectly and his plan works well, it's the best moment in the episode, and when Brad Paisley started singing, it got even better. This well deserved a place on the list.
The Newcomers

List Creator: No.8: I'm All Out Of Love which is by Air Supply perfectly captures the feeling of the breakups in season 7 titan 'Raisins'. The song works brilliantly in the episode. I still know very little about the song and don't particularly like the whole thing, but in this case it just works with the episode here.
List Creator: No.9: We all know Achy Breaky Heart by Billy Ray Cyrus, and Randy's love for the song with the expert routine makes for some great moments, they got served! They couldn't have chosen a much better song to serve the OC Crew in 'You Got F'd In The A' with, and I just liked the appearance here.
This song saved the world from hippies. Number 1 for sure
What episode was that song featured?
List Creator: No.10: Love Is A Battlefield by Pat Benatar was featured in Season 7's 'Red Man's Greed' to rise up against the Indians (I'm sorry, I mean Native Americans) threatening to tear down South Park. The South Park version is brilliant at delivering the sense of pride and resilience for the town, and I credit it for that, however I don't like the original very much. It was a great moment in the episode, so it makes this list.