Worst South Park Characters

1. Sheila Broflovski was too fat and too round when I screamed at her. 2. Sheila Broflovski was too fat and too round when I was screaming and crying when she was on T.V.. 3. Sheila Broflovski was too fat and too round when I pictured her crying when I screamed at her. 4. Sheila Broflovski was too fat and too round when I hysterical crying about her being on T.V.. 5. Sheila Broflovski was too fat and too round when I got bent out of shape when she was on T.V.. 6. Sheila Broflovski was too fat and too round when I freaked out when she was on T.V. 7. Sheila Broflovski was too fat and too round when I busted her chops when she was on T.V..

Shelly is pretty awful, but her actions towards Stan is just an over-exaggerated sibling hatred for him. That and she is a mock of Trey's older sister who did a bunch of hilarious and messed up to Trey. She wouldn't fly in a normal show, but in South Park, I think she fits in perfectly (Though I wish she had a bit more comedic value)Though, she has calmed down in recent episodes now that Trey and Matt got their footing with it, so maybe we can all come to dislike Shelly a little less.
What is wrong with this kid. Image you had a older sister and she beat you up for no reason. Well that's how Stan felt when he gets beat up by his sister. Stan actully tries to cheer her up if something goes wrong and do you know what he gets back for a response. She beats him up. She also beats him up for no reason. Sheila might be the worst character because of killing Terrance and Phillip but I think Shelly is the worst character of all time ( poor Stan )

How the heck Cartman is higher than PC Principal?! Sure, Cartman is completely out of character on season 20 (And when he tried to be the old Cartman he was at the last episode, he was just lame.) but seriously, PC Principal is the one who caused everything which make South Park unwatchable! The continuity, the gentrification of South Park, the awful "Safe Space", that abomination of yaoi episode, the ads, the member-berries, Garrison as president, the internet troll, and more... I don't forget to mention he's an horrible character, he's completely unfunny (I swear there is not the least moment I laughed with him), he's an awfully annoying who forces everyone to be politically correct and who has an anger issue... There is no way to laugh with him... If we don't kill him in the Fractured But Whole, I swear I'll destroy my game copy and stop watching South Park! I didn't plan to watch season 21 anyway and I'll never do if that principal is still alive after the game.

The fact that this guy isn't number one list really concerns me. Honestly, how can anybody possibly condone what this MONSTER is and what he does? There is just no justification for him at all whatsoever. He constantly grounds and punishes his son for the silliest and stupidest of reasons, and it's no wonder why Butters suffers from a lot of self-esteem issues.
He just needs to have a nice cup of "shut the hell up" and understand that not everybody can be perfect at everything. If he was a person in real life, I wouldn't be surprised if he gets imprisoned.

Again an abusive person in the Stotch family.
I think it could have become really cool, if she and Butters would find something they have in common (professor chaos! ) and after that point.. "abuse" others together like some evil duo. She could have been brought back that way manyy times and that would be much better than this ginger-headed general disaster kid.
Yeah, she is pretty awful, but that is the whole reason for her even being created. It is obvious that she probably won't come back in an important role unless Butters needs more character development or something, but for what she was created to do and act, she was pretty funny.

Doesn't care that her husband abuses Butters... Not to mention attempting to murder Butters, crazy woman.

A VERY close tie to mr hankey the christmas poo. mr hankey made me feel like fasting for a year. towelie might be even worse, since he's not as insightful as that grotesque piece of sugar honey ice tea.
mr hankey's season 4 episode "a very crappy christmas" was kind of insightful, and even the season 1 episode "mr hankey the christmas poo" was insightful because it taught us that "christmas is that one day where you forget about the bad and focus on the good".
the "circle of poo" song was disgusting, but it actually tried to teach a lesson.
yeah towelie's bad. I'm buying an "I hate towelie" t-shirt in adult large and wear it with my favorite pair of jeans.

Honestly, many of the characters seem like hypocrites, in my perspective. But Cartman is definitely the biggest one! He acts that way only to get what he wants and 'just because'. If you're calling characters like Kyle and Wendy (my favorites) hypocrites, I can see what you're getting at. But in my opinion, they have reasons. Like to actually make things right or get their points through to people, if possible with hypocrisy. Or other times, they're not lying and they've actually come to a conclusion that nothing they say or do is gonna change anything. I apologize if I'm starting to go off topic, but this is why I'm not such a fan of Cartman.

She hasn't earned my respect on the Breast Cancer Show Episode.
She was acting so immature during that whole episode. Cartmam made some jerk comments about breast cancer and of course Wendy who has absolutely no self-control whats however had to beat him up. How does she think she's changing anything. All you ever see from her are just complains, complains and complains. She just goes around in school talks about an issue she cares about and then the next minute freaks out if someone doesn't accept it.

I always felt bad for Pip... Nobody likes him, not even his crush, Estella, or the character who he's shipped with, Damien. His best friend, Pocket, is dead, and if you watched his episode (literally called "Pip"), you'd see how hard his early childhood was. And he acts so nice through it all!
Plus, he isn't really from South Park, he's from Great Expectations. And he was killed in an unaired episode by Mecha Streisand.
Ugh... I hate Pip. He always try to take Damien away from Kyle. I hope Damien and Kyle kill him and burn him and torture him. DamienxKyle is FOREVER
The Newcomers
I don't get it. Kenny never said anything wrong neither Karen did anything wrong. Then why are they so high on this list? Especially when Stuart exists.
He is an abusive father and husband who hardly cares about his family and is an alcoholic who beats and cusses anyone near him.He should at least be at Top 10.
Should be way higher than 49. A lot of people hate Shelly the most but I love her and hate Stuart the most, he's such a ass
Why are Kenny and Karen above him? They're cute while Stuart is a dumbass.
Why is Terrence on this list but not Phillip? Not saying either of them need to be. They are supposed to be stupid, annoying, and sucky. They are supposed to be representations of how people who hate the show criticize the show. While I think their fart jokes are stale half the time, they are pretty funny characters, like in Eat, Prey, Queef.
I hate both Terrance & Phillip all they do is fart on each other & laugh. Most boring & unfunny characters
Annoying, and every episode he's with in, sucks! Exactly the same with phillip!
He may have only appeared in one episode, but he was one ass of a character. He forced his child into becoming a singer and abused him if he stood up for himself. He'd even abuse his wife if she tried to talk sense into him. Clearly doesn't know what's best for his own son. He makes Stephen Stotch look like Mufasa in comparison.

South Park should do an episode where a new family moves in where the parents are actually good at parenting and it causes the apocalypse. Liane isn't a bad character, and she is very nice, but being a nice parent doesn't always equal a good parent.
I don't understand why Liane is on here. Sure, she was a push over in the earlier seasons, but that's what made her funny. Plus, have you guy's watched HUMANCENTiPAD and The Coon and Friends trilogy? She is starting to wise up to Eric.
Why? She's so nice. She was better when Mary Kay Bergman voiced her but she's just always been a nice mother that basically lets Cartman walk all over her.

I understand why people don't like him, but he is just so damn funny. Besides, he is only the focus of a lot of episodes because he is Stan's dad, who is (arguably) the main character from the show, so it only makes sense. Maybe Trey and Matt intentionally focus stories around him or intentionally make him annoying just to piss off you guys.
I really don't like this character, he makes south park into a crappier version of the Simpsons and takes away from all the great parts that south park is about. I'm so tired of seeing the retarded dad archetype that's in every animated show especially when south park didn't have the archetype for half the show's airtime.

Karen is so loving and sweet, how could she be hated? Besides, the bond she shares with Kenny is just so adorable. I wish they'd show more of them and build upon their brother-sister relationship. It's just too adorable.
Karen McCormick is decent but she's only in two episodes, Shelly Marsh has more character development and she's in more than just two episodes but why is she number one?
Why would you hate Karen? She's really sweet and cute, and isn't a bratty sister.
She is not too bad, though her constant screaming can get annoying after awhile.

The one who ruined relationship in elementary school especially Stan and Wendy. Make boys destroy Cartman's devices. Kills the Denmark Olympian. The person who ruined Season 20 and now the Broflovski become the most hated parents ever since.
Season 20? Well, this is the main reason WHY I hate Gerald Broflovski! That season 20!
He ruined Stan and Wendy's relationship.

I like Sharon, honestly. But I do agree she is the Lois Griffen of South Park (With that being said, Sharon does Lois better than Lois does herself. Just goes to show you that Trey and Matt can one up family guy any time). She isn't supposed to be a complex mom character like Beth from Rick and Morty, she is just supposed to be a regular, caring mom with a bit of a crude spin on her. Besides, even if she is one of the worst mom characters on the show, at least she isn't Linda Stotch
I like her. She should be given a medal for putting up with Randy's antics. She's calm, collected and (fairly) sensible. We need a character like that to mix with all of the extreme, angry, loud and aggressive rest of the cast

He is literally a disgusting piece of crap, that also has an irritating voice
He's horrible
How could anyone find him even remotely likeable
This kid, is a TROUBLEMAKER. He illegally sold medication to Jimmy causing him to beat up his girlfriend. And he's the one who ended Stan and Kyle's friendship. Thank God he got what he deserved when Classi beat him up.
I feel like this guy is slowly becoming a major character...
The only thing worse would be PC Principal..

Tweet is the most annoying character on South Park. He's the reason I even googled the phrase "tweek is the worst character on South Park"...something about how he talks and the entire idea behind is character annoys me. He's a character so tweeked up that he always speaks in an annoying voice and winks his eye. His voice is annoying, his character is annoying, it's such a bad character I feel like a kid could have come up with it. Hopefully they kill off this annoying character. His parents are funnier characters than he is

One of the things about Kyle that are detestable are these: He's done things in his past that are embarrassing, he acts all holier than thou with anyone he's come in contact with, he's abusive to Cartman (well he pretty much deserves it but he is funny though), his innocent baby brother Ike, and even his super best friend Stan Marsh. He's been involved in things that were downright criminal. He's always right, he's never wrong. In all the objectionable misdeeds he's done Kyle always gets off scot free and never gets any comeuppance.
He even continues to live from all the pain and suffering like getting a hemorrhoid, getting a negroplasty, having his mouth surgically sewn to a Japanese man's b-hole and violently eating feces after that, drinking a full jar of urine, eating farts, getting AIDS, and getting hazed by Randy. Boy, how the hell does he survive after all that? Oh right, it's South Park, but still, at least he was better developed in the earlier seasons of the show, character development just happens ya know...

First PC Principal, and now Victoria? You people can't be happy. Yeah, her voice isn't the greatest, but not liking her because she complains about something wrong with the school? Like, isn't that her job? Let me answer it for you, yes it is. But it isn't so much complaining as it is she points something out, says something, or 'complains', then fixes it, which is usually the joke with her as the way she handles it or comes up with a solution to it is the punchline or something.
Rather boring, but not as bad as PC Principal. I'm even going to say she's much better than PC Principal.