Top 10 Worst SpongeBob Episodes Where Patrick's a Prick

Episodes where patprick has either been an insufferable idiot or jerk.
The Top Ten
Yours, Mine, And Mine

The episode is about Spongebob and Patrick getting a krabby patty toy together but Patrick hogging the toy for the whole episode. The two struggle to get the toy from each other finally Patrick eats the toy so no one can play with it being the selfish prick he is. Mr Krabs gives them each individual new toys but asks for them to pay, Patrick says that it is on him takes Spongebob's wallet, Spongebob tells Patrick that it is his wallet which he responds by saying "Have you learnt nothing about sharing" for your information Mr Star he does now about sharing you however clearly don't you chubby, ignorant, selfish, greedy, idiotic, hypocritical prick.

Pet Sitter Pat

I am 150% alone on this, but this is my least favorite Spongebob episode of all time. Yes, I hate it more than A Pal For Gary, Smoothe Jazz at Bikini Bottom, and Once Coarse Meal. This episode frustrates me to a high level, and Gary's suffering is basically if you took what happened to him in A Pal For Gary, replace that thing named Puffy Fluffy with Patrick, and multiply his pain by 10. Patrick, out of "stupidity", starves Gary, chases him with a flamethrower, tortures him with a hair dryer, floods the house, and all while acting chill and happy the whole time. I hate Pet Sitter Pat with a passion.

The Card

The reason why this one is the worst is because Patrick literally said," SpongeBob, you can't always expect my usual brand of stupidity. I like to mix it up; keep ya on your toes! ". He blatantly admits that his stupidity is all on purpose,
which shows that everything that he puts SpongeBob through was on purpose. He literally admits to being stupid on purpose in a PATHETIC attempt to compensate for all the crap he puts people through. This isn't a guy that gets an unfair amount of hatred, like Brian from Family Guy (come on, he can be a jerk, but at least he admits to it at the end of the day, and what he sometimes does is NOTHING compared to everyone else's actions). This is a guy who embodies evil and cruelty and when he clearly goes too far in this heinous plan of his, he doesn't stop. He presses it on. He went WAY too far on this one.

Stuck In The Wringer

Why in the world would someone think is a good idea?

Smoothe Jazz At Bikini Bottom

If Patrick was never in this episode, it probably would have worked out greatly. Squidward gets to go the concert and gets to enjoy it. Patrick just came out of nowhere! Also, Patrick just walks on stage to order nachos. Then, the audience cheers for him! After that, Patrick is allowed backstage for his "comedy act"!

Why did the audience praise him instead of unleashing the karma that he deserves?! These writers are just trying to piss me off! And I apologize if I was being hypersensitive, because I just needed to rant about this episode.

Big Sister Sam

I like this episode, but there's a few problem, what did SpongeBob do? Patrick never had a sister, like mentioned in Something Smells, aside from that, I give this episode a 9/10, I would look at it, but Sam being harsh to SpongeBob for no reasons, it's just painful to watch, she even had a reason to be harsh to Squidward, because of his good insults.

This should be Number One on this list because of how bad Sam is. She surpassed Patrick in terms of stupidity and temper. But what she did to Squidward made me reach my boiling point. Just because that octopus angered her, it doesn't give her the right to harm and kill him. Therefore, I wish that Squidward murdered her.

The Splinter

Patrick should not only be arrested for making the splinter worse, but also arrested for impersonating a doctor.

The so called "doctor" Patrick made Spongebob's splinter problem a million times worse.

He thinks making the Splinter worse is "the yes! ". No, that's not good at ALL.

Ink Lemonade

NO! No way did Patrick get away with this. All he did was torture Squidward to get his Ink Lemonade. This is worse than "Stuck in the Wringer".

One day, the evil Patrick decided that it is time for him to try to kill someone.

This episode should be higher.

Oral Report

Besides how much of an ass Patrick is, this episode has problems. Squidward gets beating up for no reason, there is gross out, lots of filler, Mrs. Puff getting arrested for someone else's actions, and Sandy being hinted to doing illegal things. Not to mention the plot holes, and how pointless this episode is a a whole.

Patrick claimed to be helping when all be was doing was stressing spongebob more than he already was. And all the things he was doing woulden't help spongebob AT ALL.

Karate Star

Spongebob teaches Patrick karate and it turns out Patrick is a "karate genius" and then he becomes obsessed with karate chopping everything insight going on a karate chopping spree. He then thinks he has killed Spongebob in the spree and blames his own hand for this pulling it off his arm. Spongebob somehow manages to survive and freaks out at Patrick's handless arm but Patrick says it is okay as sea stars can regrown limbs so grows his hand back. However it turns out that the limbs can regrow their own bodies so this new Patrick goes on a karate chopping killing spree.

The Contenders
Rule of Dumb

Despite the regret he felt at the end, it doesn't remove the fact that he was a prick almost all the entire episode. He took the comic book collection a 40 year old guy who spent his entire time collecting those comic book. Patrick or PatPRICK took everything he wants or interests him without needing it, he mostly take stuff for the sake of taking.

Eh. Well yeah but I can honestly imagine Patrick being a prick cause the crown has a lot of power. But at the same time, yeah Patrick definitely is a prick.

What's shocking about this episode is that, at the end, Patrick actually REALIZED that he HAS become a monster, and surprisingly felt guilty about it.

Patrick's Staycation

Patrick is a ungrateful scumbag in this episode. SpongeBob was doing his best and pooptrick doesn't appreciate ONE thing, even going as far as to go to squidward and SpongeBob's house because he thinks the two house are resorts
patrick, die

I agree with the other comment Patrick is completely ungrateful for the time and effort Spongebob is putting in for his staycation and when he leaves due to it "terrible" he goes over to Squidward's house to make Squidward serve him.

Patrick can't even understand what a resort is!

I'm With Stupid

One of the very few bad old spongebob episodes, and I think the first Patrick the prick episode.

He takes it way to far and how stupid can he be that he doesn't recognise his own parents.

My least favorite classic SpongeBob episode.

The Fishbowl

Should be MUCH higher. This episode gets so little hate and it should get a ton more. It's a rehash of yours mine and mine.

Patrick's apology is so incredibly weak! Also Patrick is unlikeable in this episode!

His stupidity gets the best of him in this episode.

You Don't Know Sponge

People say that episodes like Pet Sitter Pat were the worst (not that I like it, because I don't), but Patrick literally had no sympathy for the whole episode!

Patrick was extremely irritating here. No wonder why it's considered one of the worst episodes of season 2, some even consider it to the worst of the show.

Hey! Who wants to see 11 minutes of a sad break up? I don't, but at least everything gets resolved and the bad guy get his comeuppance

Restraining Spongebob

The writers obviously had to make Patrick annoy the hell out of Squidward when he puts a restraining order on Spongebob because someone has to torture this poor, innocent cephalopod he can't just be left alone and be happy.

This episode is awful. All Patrick does is be a retarded jerk around Squidward the entire time, plus he beats him up.

Why didn't Squidward just put a restraining order on both of them? It says so on the wikia.

Little Yellow Book

Patrick is annoying as hell in this episode. He ate a frigging diaper!

Cook me up a Krabby patty, with good old fifi!


YES! The episode's final scene where Patrick gets the treatment he deserves!

Patrick deserved to get kicked off the bus at the end of the episode.

No Nose Knows
Pat no Pay

Hey writers no one likes to see characters get abused for no proper reason. Mr Krabs may be an ass in other episodes but in this one he did nothing and doesn't deserve what he gets.

I just want to torture Patrick in this episode.

No one likes to see the pain of the innocence (I.e. Mr. Krabs in THIS episode)

The Play's the Thing
Toy Store of Doom

Why did this episode need to exist?

Patrick convinces Spongebob that the toys are Alive and would kill them if the lights were off

He rewinds the toy robot like a dumbass after the toy stops moving

The Googly Artiste

This episode sums up what the Spongebob writers think of criticism; like "Return of Slade", they get it WRONG.

Patrick is NOT an artist...neither are the writers

Patrick! The Game

I actually loved this episode, and I do not consider this Squidward torture episode for a few key reasons.
1. Squidward's torment is actually not harsh. He just insulted Patrick and his game and asked Patrick to explain the game while he, Patrick, SpongeBob and Sandy play. He just took it the wrong way.
2. Unlike many other modern episodes, Squidward asked for it, considering that he insulted Patrick and his game. Sure, SpongeBob, Patrick, Sandy and the game pretty much annoy him, but even that I see as Patrick and Sandy getting back at him for making fun of Patrick's game.

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