Top 10 Worst Things About Puberty

The Top Ten

I got mine when I was 10, and my mom wore white jeans in front of me. I wanted to wear white jeans, but I knew it was bad... I hate when my mom does this. Periods are painful, stomach pain, blood, and farting.

I started getting them when I was 11 1/2, and sometimes, I want to rip my own uterus out because of this. And besides, I'm not going to have any kids in the future anyway.

Worst things about puberty (at least with a female body):

1. Periods
2. Acne
3. Looking bad
4. Weight gain
5. Adults talking about how much you've changed, ALL THE TIME
6. Feeling tired all the time.
7. Bras


I didn't actually look that bad before this. Acne literally happened for me OVERNIGHT. There was no way to see it coming. It just appeared in the morning.

The reason I vote for this is because periods and random erections only happen to one gender. Acne can happen to both genders, and it is AWFUL.

I used to get some pimples here and there between the ages of 9 - 12, but then I started getting full-on breakouts in October 2019 when I was 13 years old.

Random Erections

"Boner" from Straight Outta Junior High School's 2007 album "Here's a Ray of Hope..." AKA, this item in a nutshell.

Body Hair
Voice Cracks

When you try to hit a high note but instead you hit puberty.

This started when I was twelve.

And you are at home, and you are scared and nervous to share your manly voice with the class in school.

Body Odor
Sex Education

These are my least favorite next to emotions.

Having to Shave
Getting Caught Masturbating

The Newcomers

? Headaches
? Feeling Self-Conscious
The Contenders

They're the worst. They make me feel like an object. They've destroyed my mental health, and I can't wear cute tops.

Got these in fourth grade, not fun. They hurt, but at least people are like "ooh, you look so old for your age!"

Growing Out of All Your Clothes

Your favorite dress doesn't fit...

Switching Emotions

Finding one that fits can be hard.

Trust me, it's pretty difficult to find a 26 band bra for my 26-inch ribcage.

Anger Issues

This is my least favorite next to hormones and emotions. Anger issues aren't my favorite. When you have noise triggers, this is the very first thing that will happen.

Hair Changes

Before puberty, I had nice, pretty, straight hair. Then, when I hit puberty, my hair started being wavy, and I hate it. I wish I had my old straight hair back because flat ironing these ugly waves out takes way too much time out of my day.

Being Sexually Attracted to Everything

I want to have sex so bad. I have never had sex. Does it really feel as good as people say it does?

Growing Pains
Weight Gain
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