Top Ten Worst Things That Can Happen to You As a Teenager

The Top Ten
1 Having suicidal thoughts

I'm still in my teen years and because of the fact that I remember all of the bad stuff that I did and my failure to forgive myself, I already started making plans for my suicide attempt. The fact that I failed to commit suicide by a rope made me think of another way to do it. I would use a rope and handcuffs, the rope would be used for the hanging and the handcuffs would prevent me from saving myself. The only way I thought I could cope with this is self harm, everyday I would use a sharp tool to create scratch marks on my skin, but that made it worse (even though I still engage in this self-injurious behavior.) Even before that behavior I still had thoughts of suicide. But the worst part is that even in previous suicide attempt I did it alone.
I wanted to do it alone so that people wouldn't make me feel selfish, but the guilt, loneliness, anxiety and depression seems unbearable for me. I have extremely
Low self-esteem and a burning hatred for myself. My suicidal thoughts are slowly becoming worse! I need help! I'm just too scared to ask for help! :,(

2 Getting bullied

I was never really the target of bullying in HS; even if I was sort of a loner, but I knew a kid who was obese and overemotional. Kids would talk behind his back all of the damn time, and I (regrettably) joined in some of the time. Bullying is the worst thing possible to happen to a kid in HS. At 23 years old now, I've tried to make amends with the kid who had to change schools because of the jocks that targeted him and because of the difficulty of the school's curriculum. We're on OK terms now, but we don't talk all that much either.

3 Becoming pregnant

Yep, this happened to one of my friends, though she moved to a nearby town, she still found a way to tell us. She's 14. We talked about it over text, and I gave her some advice. Her mother will most likely have a fit about it. Hopefully, she won't make her get an abortion. Poor thing, becoming a mother at this age. I think 25 is the best age to have a child.

I have no problem with HS sex, as long as you're using protection. If you don't use protection, this is the unfortunate result of that. Imagine somebody in their teens with little to no money now has to pay for child support and raise a child when they have absolutely no experience with childcare. Scary.

4 Being humiliated at school

This stays with people, sometimes for their whole lives. I stayed on the downlow for most of the time at HS so I never got into these situations, but a kid I knew (unfortunately obese) tried out for the basketball team one time and utterly failed by falling flat on his face on the floor and started crying. Kids were talking about it for weeks. Felt bad for that guy but also he had to know that it just wasn't for him to play basketball.

This happens to everyone and honestly it doesn't really scar you for life

5 Losing all your friends

Never happened to me, but it feels lonely having nobody to hang out with when you're young and everyone isolates you.

My biggest fear I swear losing all of my friends.

I recently lost all my friends, bc they were all damn backstabbers like most shy ppls friends.

6 Being involved with drugs

I feel this is overlooked considering some teenagers don't look at the consequences in the long term.

If you're easily influenced then that is.

7 Getting acne

I don't mind about acne very much. I've stopped eating sugar and I also no longer frequently eat fried foods. Some of it is going away but I am continuing to outgrow video games and go outside more then I got more off. Only half of my face has it now but it takes a while before it goes away and you also need to get older before they really go away.

Really? This isn't terrible. I started getting pimples in 5th grade - when I was 10/11. I don't really care anymore, I just accept is as a part of me. There are things 1000 times worse than acne, this really shouldn't be on the list.

8 Dating goes wrong
9 Getting bad grades

Obviously this sucks. There's a difference between slacking and not doing anything at all and getting the bad grade that you deserved and working as hard or studying as hard as you can and still getting that bad grade. That's frustrating.

My grades are already suffering. They are crippled and in pain. I only have good grades in 4 classes. Art, P.E, Science, and Integrated English. I suck at math.

In my second year of secondary, I was doing terrible in my mathmatics class. I'm not that great at math in general.

10 Having depression

A lot of young people in their teens and 20s, including me, have had depression and the feeling sucks.

I suffer from depression and anxiety but there's not always a specific cause of it.

Depression and anxiety are two horrible mental problems that every teen faces every once in a while, however if it's constant it's very serious and this too can lead to suicidal thoughts and actions

The Contenders
11 Date breaks up with you
12 Getting beaten up
13 Getting suspended from school
14 Going through puberty

So true, when us girls have our 'Puberty'. We have periods, we get emotional and etc. It's very annoying. When boys on theirs, grow a beard or moshtache, their voices get deeper and etc.

Not bad but the worst part about getting your period is that if you have it in the middle of class and the teacher won't let you go the bathroom, not only will it be very unhygienic but blood will get everywhere.

You boy lucky as hell because your voice crack you grow your done. But us girls have to have to have blood spill out of us once a month

15 Your parents punishing you for nothing

Oh, right, the GoAnimate videos where parents ground and punish their child for nothing.

16 Having an eating disorder
17 Getting friendzoned

Am I the only one who doesn't see this as bad? I used to be scared of being friendzoned, but later on. I don't see what's wrong with it. You can't forced someone to love you back and you have to accept things in life. because who knows? Maybe after you got friendzoned, you'd get a new crush and your new crush likes you back!

Ugh this happened to me so many times. It makes someone lose confidence in themselves and the self-esteem points drop. You just gotta learn that it's all part of the process and that there's someone out there that is for you and vice versa.

18 Being very tall, yet very weak

this makes you stand out and people start making fun of you and if you are tall, I'm pretty sure that you will always get paired with tall guys/girls.

19 Being accused of being moody
20 Having random erections

I suffer from this. It's annoying because I always try to push it back but it curls and makes me uncomfortable

21 Your crush hating you

this is why there has to be regulations in/on to the regards of fake news & misinformation, information is information but if the information is wrongfully incorrect then who originally wronged someone or somebody for what purpose & reason & what for & why? it ruins lives that shouldn't have been tapered with in the first place, lives are lives, some lives are are meant to be untouched, if you don't leave the individual person or family alone than law enforcement would have to investigate the situation as to what is going on & why it is happening

22 Parents divorcing

This happened to me when I was 5.
it's not the worst thing to be honest.
But it is really sad when you see somebody with the opposite parent you're living with.
Yea... I guess it's not a good thing, that's why it's place setttles here.

Fortunately most kids don't have to deal with this but I've heard a lot of stories of kids who've had to deal with divorce and it seems like a never-ending nightmare for them.

This has happened to me, but my parents weren't really made for each other.

23 Being shy in school
24 Getting cheated on
25 Being taken away from your parent

I was in 12 different foster homes... getting taken is the worst thing

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