Top 10 Most Memorable Sounds From Your Childhood
Isn't it amazing how just a brief snippet of a tune or the start-up chime of an old game console can instantly transport you back to simpler times? Those were the days when the smallest things felt like grand adventures and when each day held the potential for a new discovery. Whether it's the unmistakable theme from your favorite Saturday morning cartoon, the jingle from a beloved commercial, or even the chirp of a dial-up internet connecting (oh, the patience we had back then!), certain sounds are just hardwired into our memories. But which ones stand out the most for you?It used to play at the beginning of a lot of the movies I liked when I was little, like Toy Story.
YES! I love watching the trailers on older movies just for this!
I forgot about this sound until I came onto this list.
This was an absolute nightmare for me as a kid because I hated loud noises. I don't know why, but the logo made it worse. I think it's a cool sound now, but it's still weird.
I remember as a very young kid, I'd be scared if I was all alone watching TV and then the THX logo came on. But now, I think it's cool.
Played at the beginning of movies like Finding Nemo. It was slightly scary but really nostalgic nonetheless.
Ahh, watching movies like Rio and that theme playing, so theatrical. Especially when you had the TV turned up all the way, it felt as if you were right in the theater.
Too bad Disney took over. I know this is still played on occasion, but still.
Definitely, memories of this playing in the living room all the time!
To be honest, the sounds used to terrify me, but Windows XP was the first computer OS I ever used. My very first computer was a Windows XP, my first laptop was a Windows XP, and all of the school computers were on Windows XP up until around 2011.
Ah yes, I miss Windows XP. Windows 10 is stupid.
I used Windows XP up until late-mid 2016.
I used to play Spyro all the time, so this startup was a pretty big part of my early childhood as well.
Crash Bandicoot and Final Fantasy were my favorite games on the PS1. I miss playing them.
This is the time when you have to beg to God, close your eyes, and hope the game will load.
This and the RSOD both used to scare me when I was really little, but it was the first console I ever played.
Hearing the original Mario song still brings me back to when I was 5.
The Newcomers
I loved this sound so much through the years, and I still love it today. It's nostalgic and funny. It's a shame that it was replaced with an unfunny, garbage sound, which sounds like a baby. This sound will still be one of my favorite sounds.
Every night when I was in 3rd grade, I would always hear this theme song on my TV while I was doing homework. In fact, I even watched a few episodes of this show on Boomerang.
Oh yeah, always saw this before movies.
No words are required for this.
How can anyone not remember this?
This game came with my Wii when I got it, and it was really fun. Though I liked Wii Sports Resort better.
I love this song. So happy, so upbeat, so nostalgic.
This and any other logo-related sounds take me back to when I was a "logo kid" in the late 2000s/early 2010s.
The "Coming soon to own on video and DVD" listing reminded me of this. It was so creepy that it made us not want to ever steal movies. It even still gives me chills today, probably because the sounds are still as scary as before. The nostalgic memory I have of it puts me a little on edge. Who feels me?
I still remember the beep and the lyrics. It's my favorite theme song for now.
Yeah, the Wii menu music brings back a lot of memories.
I think it was the first console I ever had of my own.
The DS is the only console I've ever owned.
I used to just look at games, wishing I could put money into the machine and buy them. Sometimes I would just download demos.
I didn't use it much, but that music definitely brings back some memories.
Brings back memories when I played Minecraft back in like 2014.
I loved playing on my dad's old Xbox growing up.