Top 10 Biggest Childhood Fears
I'm not lying, but that is how schools used to discipline us in the 2000s. They would lock us in a dark room until we cried and screamed, Let me out! I am sorry!
I used to hate the dark as a little kid. Now the effect has flipped: if there's one shining light in my room, I tend to stay away from it.
To me, it's not about being scared of the dark itself, but thinking about what could be in it. This is why I hate the dark.
I used to have recurring dreams where monsters came out of the TV and tried to capture me. Sometimes I would even freeze or be unable to scream for help. Then I would wake up bawling.
I still remember the night my grandma straight up told me that monsters weren't real, yet I was still too much of a wimp to turn off the TV at night because my dumb self was convinced there were monsters living inside it.
I always had dreams of Batman and Spider-Man hiding in my wardrobe.
Ok, time to explain. Sharks are feared by many people, but the truth is, there is no need! Sharks will only attack you if you harm them or if you get too close to their babies. Either way, at least keep your distance just in case. Stay safe, and just remember:
COWS actually kill MORE people than SHARKS do in a year!
Sharks are one of the reasons why I don't like oceans. Have you seen the goblin shark? No thank you.
And all because the parents showed them Jaws.
A monster that stalks children sleeping in their beds, waiting to eat them for snacks.
When I was very young, I was never scared of clowns. In fact, I would always want to run up to one whenever I saw one. However, then I watched It. While it didn't scare me enough, it made me think twice before encountering a clown.
Later, I heard on the news that a psychotic killer was on the loose disguised as a clown. I became paranoid, fearing any clown I saw could be the killer and might harm me, my friends, or my family. To this day, I still think twice before encountering a clown.
I watched It when I was 5. I have never felt the same way about clowns again...
I've had enough nightmares about zombies.
I always thought I heard screaming in there, to the point where my imagination pictured a dead girl ready to pull me under and drown me as she stared into my soul.
I can't swim, and I'm too bony to float, so of course, it makes sense for me to fear the deep end of the pool.
Because of everything your parents tell you about not going there.
They can hurt your ears and even deafen you.
I remember being scared to go to my uncle's house because his pit bull would get excited and start jumping on you whenever you came in the door. I knew she wasn't trying to hurt me, and I was completely fine with her once she settled down. It was just intimidating for me being a 5-year-old kid.
One time I was eating pizza at the schoolyard, and this dog jumped up and bit it out of my hand, making a wound in my finger as he did it. By the way, this was in the school park where no dogs were allowed. Then the owner came over and got mad at me!
I still love dogs though.
Just the thought of lying casually in your bed and suddenly having a spider crawl up to your neck is enough to prove you're scared of spiders.
I have a pet tarantula, so I'm not really scared of spiders because they won't really do anything unless you provoke them.
I'm still scared of those to this very day!
But why? Oh, I know! Because they (my old Barbie dolls that I locked away!) almost tried to kill me!
They are the reason why I keep stuffed animals instead of dolls.
When I was younger, I used to be extremely afraid of the dentist. Even just thinking about going to that place would cause me to freeze up, my heart to pound, and tears to fill my eyes.
After completing most of my two-phase orthodontic treatment and having two oral surgeries (the exposure and bonding of my upper canines in October 2020, and the removal of my wisdom teeth and exposure and bonding of my lower left canine in February 2022), I no longer have this fear. I've slowly become desensitized over the past few years, and now I don't mind having regular dentist appointments every six months.
Once, when I was younger, a blackout occurred while I was in the bathroom during the middle of a storm, and I screamed.
I always feel like a tornado will start.
It's probably a fear because some kids don't like brushing their teeth.