Top 10 Signs You Need to Grow Up

You don’t need to be in a hurry to grow up, but there comes a point in everyone’s life where childish things need to be put aside, and it’s just flat out time to grow up, put on those big boy/girl panties/underwear, and get to it. No, growing up isn’t always fun, and it isn’t always fair, but it is usually necessary.
The Top Ten
You live paycheck to paycheck

If you're an adult, and you get fired today, and you can't pay your bills, you're living outside your means. Spending everything you have shows a lack of foresight and responsibility.

There's a difference between "can't spend it when you're dead" and "I just lost my job and now I don't have enough money to pay this month's bills."

There are special circumstances, of course, for single moms and dads out there working hard to provide for their families, but even then, saving all you can is still a really good idea.

You whine and pout to get your way

If you are whining to get your way, you're immature. Period. Whining and pouting as an acceptable means to get your way should have ended when you were a child.

Maybe as an immature teenager, but whining and pouting as an adult is just sad. If someone is actually giving you what you want when you do whine, they need to be smacked upside the face.

I don't know how much clearer I can put this: STOP WHINING, STOP POUTING. You're a grown-up, act like it!

You think it's okay to drive after you've been drinking

This is NEVER OKAY. If you're even slightly buzzed, I don't care where you are or what you're doing, DO NOT DRIVE HOME.

It's the ultimate selfish, stupid, immature act. If you didn't want to leave your car at the bar, you shouldn't have driven there and then drank. There is absolutely no excuse for driving drunk.

If you hit someone, I hope you get sued into poverty. There are always other, better options. Always. You're better off sleeping in your car than driving it home, no matter how "inconvenient" that is for you.

If you're stupid enough to tell yourself that it's okay "just this once," you're probably too stupid to be driving anyway. Is maybe getting home worth ending someone's life?

Your idea of a normal Friday night is a rager

If your idea of a normal Friday night is a rager, or any party that ends with you drunk, you need to grow up. Needing to get drunk every weekend or more often usually indicates deeper issues you might want to address.

If your friends aren't fun unless you're all drunk, you probably need better friends. Partying hard all weekend well after your college years is just sad. Partying during the week is worse.

You pass up on a career because it would interfere with your social life

If you could work a good job, maybe even turn it into a career, but won't because it requires you to work Friday nights, which is your party night, you need to grow up.

If you can't handle going that long without a party, you should probably look into some therapy and try to figure out what is missing in your life that requires you to party.

You're an attention whore

Outside of being a teenager vying for attention with a throng of other teenagers, there is really no place as an adult for crying out for attention just for attention's sake.

Keeping up with that sort of behavior as an adult is basically saying to everyone around you, "I'm uncomfortable in my own skin, validate me!" Adults have (or should have) too many better things to do than validate you as a person all day.

If you can't get attention without attention whoring for it, you probably aren't worth the attention you're asking for.

You don't work hard at your job

Not appreciating a great source of income is a sure sign that it's time to grow up. If you know your job is great, has killer benefits, or pays really well (or all of the above) but you just can't bring yourself to really apply yourself, it means that you're not mature enough to look past what YOU want and see the bigger picture.

Almost no job in the world doesn't have someone better than you possibly looking for that job, so a little appreciation for that job can go a long way. Not that you should work a job you hate forever either, but being an adult comes with certain sacrifices, and sometimes that's working hard when you don't want to.

You can't have fun without alcohol

This could be a sign of both immaturity and alcoholism. There are LOTS of things you can do to have fun without alcohol.

You might want to rethink why you only have fun when you're drunk. Maybe you're hanging out with the wrong people. The people you hang out with should probably be interesting while not drunk, also.

You put your ego above people you consider as good targets
You think it's always someone else's fault

It doesn't matter what "it" is, but "it" is almost certainly NOT your fault. "I'm in debt because my boss fired me," not, "I'm in debt because I overspent, didn't work well at my job, and got fired."

It's a pretty sure sign that you're emotionally immature. Emotionally immature people finger point. It's what they do. They don't take responsibility for problems in their lives.

This is an extremely frustrating thing to encounter in a person, and close friends are likely to be scarce because of it. No one wants to be blamed for your problems, so get yourself together. The world isn't against you. Buck up, buttercup.

The Newcomers

? You are rude and condescending and expect people to give you respect
? You rant about stuff that is made for children

I have a HUGE collection of "Cry Babies Magic Tears" dolls that I store in my closet (though I keep one displayed on my night table). Seeing people rant about them makes me FURIOUS because they do it in such an overly excessive manner. They say that children will turn into monsters, get confused and frustrated by the toys, and they even want to manhunt the creators! Some have even said the creators should have their private parts cut off!

Guys. This is made for CHILDREN. I'm almost an adult, and I started collecting these at 15-16 years old! I see nothing wrong with it, and I've seen plenty of children play with these toys, and not ONE child was confused or frustrated by them. If you hate something that's meant for children, then there's no need to rant about it in such an angry, raging, and overly excessive way!

So, yes! You heard me! Suck it up! GROW UP! This is not how you express a bad opinion! One day, your own child might see that rant you made, and they'll accuse you of making their childhood horrible. Who's the monster now, huh?!

The Contenders
You play video games for more than 3 hours per week

Not 3 hours per day, 3 hours per week!

Your house looks like a bachelor pad, and you're not a bachelor

There are plenty of great places to add the finishing touches to your home at the right price. If you're really strapped for cash but want to have a nice home, shop at TJ Maxx, Ross, any dollar store, Walmart.

There are plenty of ways to warm up your home and make it your own. Also, if you have more beer in your fridge than food, and your food mostly consists of ramen, cold cereal, and frozen burritos, you might need to start making a few changes.

You make immature noises every thirty seconds

I cluck my tongue against the roof of my mouth a lot, especially when I'm reading. I really need to grow up.

You enjoy teen pop songs
You're a gamer who's over the age of 25
You're obsessed with pop culture
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