Top Ten Worst Things About Baby Boomers
The Baby boomer generation after WWII basically are most people's parents around here. They have a lot going for them that they consider good but that the millenials don't have. I identify as a millenial because much of what I remember growing up was at its peak in the 2000s, but the stuff my parents keep repeating to me about their past lifes is getting really annoying. What's the worst?This one might need some explaining, but here we go. The richest of the boomers ran some successful businesses and governments pretty well, but because of their wanting more and more, it led to ruin around 2008 with the recession. This, in particular, caused a housing bubble. Then they think that the children they have will have it easy in the job market. SPEAKING OF WHICH...
They just assume that everyone should work 80+ hours a week because that's what they did and they got paid overtime for it. They also don't seem to understand the concept that things cost more now thanks to inflation.
In reality, the boomers are just lucky. They didn't have to deal with expensive education, housing, or even food, not to mention the job market was expansive - something that is extremely restricted in today's society. They use the excuses they had growing up to encourage their own children to be as successful as them, yet that doesn't seem as possible as they would like to think.
Also pertains to the success stories as above. All they know for sure is their successes, and wanting the younger generations to have that success is not a reality they can see. The thing to note about this item, though, is how a millennial and a baby boomer will probably get along in any given workplace. Yes, working with someone older than me, obviously a baby boomer, they have some sort of obvious time with the company they've been in. But they also have a stubborn attitude on how things are always done. "My way or the highway," if you will.
If you ever wonder why millennials are usually rebellious teenagers at heart, it's because of the stubborn mules who tried to parent them the way they wanted to be raised. Again, this ties in with other items because guess what? The economy collapsed because of successful boomer industries, and millennials are only starting their careers at the time the recession basically began. Or they don't even have proper careers in the first place because what is left? So, millennials act entitled because the boomer parents were somehow more entitled.
Well done, boomers. You push your poor children to go to college, yet at the same time, your fellow boomer peers are the ones who end up making the colleges so expensive that affording it is a major problem. All because you wanted them to have the same success you got.
Boomers LOVE this phrase. They fail to realize that inflation has impacted the economy and changed everything. Back in your day, a down payment on a house was what, like ten dollars? Compared to today, when it takes an arm and a leg just to make a down payment, let alone the mortgage payments. Back in your day, companies actually gave benefits that made working 60+ hours a week worth it.
How many of you are tired of this? Even if a boomer isn't your parent (or even a parent), they always act like the good old days were better, before all the technology which was designed to make things easier took place.
They grew up when this stuff was socially acceptable. They dare challenge people in this day and age, and they get burned.
What this means: well, a number of things. Boomers are usually who's running all the current governments in the world, but what's bad is that they often refuse to compromise in any efforts of good change. This item also applies to boomer voters, who still make up a fantastically large amount of voters. More boomers voted for Trump and more boomers actually voted for Brexit.
They screwed over an entire generation in jobs and careers. I would have loved a job with Ma Bell... then they automated. Good luck getting job advice from them - what's theirs is theirs, and you're screwed!
An example would be a boomer-run industry that has actually harmed the planet's environment. Since this was an excessive generation, they are the most to blame, with some boomer-run companies being largely responsible for pollutants and environmental damage. And now, with some millennials landing jobs, they are the ones who actually have to clean up the messes the boomers have caused!
The Newcomers
We currently have two super old frontrunners for the 2024 presidential election. For more evidence, check out all the other old people they almost always vote in, and they always win. Heck, Dianne Feinstein died in office recently. She was really old, and people wouldn't stop voting for her.
It's time for younger voters to shape the voting demographics.
This is actually a problem. Why are we, as Americans, leaving senile old people to lead our country? There should be more people under the age of 65 in Congress.
Social Security is a flawed system anyway. So many of them rely on it that it's projected to run out by 2040 or something like that.
Although I am just on the fringe of being a boomer, I am annoyed at their unwillingness to hand the reins over. Our country is broke and in desperate need of new policies and procedures. Get those old goats out and put some young people in with fresh concepts that will fix what they broke.
They keep calling millennials "kids," even if they are in their 20s.
Whoever added this, thanks. Although this conflicts with another added item, "They need to step aside and stop treating millennials like they are still ten years old," they actually do this more often once you reach at least 16. The moment you are there, they tell you "get a job so you gain money" and are obsessed with the idea of getting money. It's creepy and makes you think they want you to get money so they can get money.
Just because you did it doesn't mean everyone else has to. Believe it or not, it's okay to have a healthy work/life balance.
They fail to realize that it's a flawed argument. It would be like saying cars cause accidents when in reality, 99% of the time it's the person driving.
I never ran around robbing banks and killing cops after playing Roblox: Jailbreak. I never shot and stabbed people after playing Halo and Call of Duty. I never killed people and danced or did Take the L on them after playing Fortnite.
I am 15 and play Fortnite, Call of Duty Mobile, Halo 5, and Minecraft. I have no criminal record.
Baby Boomers are considered to be the greediest generation, and it's time to make the environment better.
Yes, I agree. They ruined all for millennials and other future generations. I can't wait when they will all become extinct like the dinosaurs they are.
Because they try to fool themselves by dressing like it's 1966... and their bodies are not fit!
And now they expect those jobs to be five-figure salary jobs. With the current economy, heck, even if you were in a country outside the U.S., that seems completely impossible unless you are LUCKY.
Read that again: if you are LUCKY. It's already bad enough how competitive the job market is, and boomers don't get it because it was not competitive when they were around.
The generations after the boomers do not want to sit through YEARS of college courses in order to get their dream job anymore.