Top 10 Ways Adults are Hypocrites
Don’t get me wrong, I respect parents, teachers and others as long as they’re respectful back, but I can’t help but notice how hypocritical many of them can be, so this list is about that.
If parents are going to yell at kids for doing something, they should speak firmly but calmly, instead of yelling. Parents should also set a very well-behaved example by admitting their mistakes and telling their kids nicely not to make the same ones. Doing this can help kids of all ages understand better. Parents should be good role models for their kids.
Then they try to cover it up with the "when I was your age" speech. "When I was your age, I was perfect," or "When I was your age, we didn't have (insert thing)." We get it. Your life sucked. Stop blaming it on our generation when your generation was the one that created it.

At least I can go more than 5 minutes without being on my phone, hypocrite!
My mum tells me not to spend too much time on my phone, but she does it herself.

It's kind of funny in a way because finding someone born before the '90s who doesn't smoke is pretty much a miracle. I think I only know two people between the ages of 20-70 who don't smoke.

Not to mention that most parents swear in front of their kids, so the kids most likely got it from them.
My parents are the biggest hypocrites in the world!
Growing up, my mother told me not to say "ugly words," yet she practically used those same words as punctuation.
Okay, yeah, this isn't as common with parents as the other items, but it still shows that your parents might not be as good of role models as you thought when you were little. It's great that they're discouraging their kids from using drugs - every parent should - but doing the drugs themselves doesn't automatically make them good role models.
Everyone focuses on feminism and racism, and both of those are indeed problems, but not many people focus on the injustice children receive - not just from their parents, but from some other adults too.
Listen, I don't care how old you are because physical age means absolutely nothing. If you've been nothing but an ass to me, you're going to get that same treatment back.
No! Everyone should be treated equally with respect, whether older or younger.
Oh my god, stuff like this makes me want to snap at them.
That is a very bad example for their kids.
This is supposed to be they tell kids to go to college, but they get mad at kids for dropping out, even though they might have dropped out themselves. I don't encourage anyone to drop out of school because, while parents may exaggerate, it is generally harder to get a good job without a degree. So, you definitely want to stay in school. What I'm saying is that they treat you like a failure for the rest of your life if you do drop out, and act like you'll never achieve anything. It's especially funny when they dropped out themselves.
The Newcomers
They always say this, but then they make me depressed and get mad at me for it. Then they try to make me feel like a bad person.
Even if I show the slightest annoyance when they make me do useless things I hate, they get mad and call me disrespectful and selfish, making me feel like a terrible person. Sometimes they yell at me for over 30 minutes and force me to listen. But they're allowed to scream at the top of their lungs, strip me of my rights like electronics and privacy, and even get physical.
Parents may be hypocrites, but calling your parents a psycho sounds very mean.
When I was in elementary and middle school, my little brother and I would go to family friends' houses with our parents. They'd always say, "When we call you guys down, come down without arguing, or we won't bring you here again." But then, when they called us down, they'd end up talking to the other parents for over 10 minutes, and we'd just have to stand around waiting.
My family friends' parents do this too! Once, at our house for a Thanksgiving potluck, my family friend's parents made him come downstairs, but then they played poker for over half an hour, so he was stuck there waiting the whole time.
I cannot stand this at all! I never would've gotten away with doing a lot of the things the kids from these dumb vlogging channels do every day and get praised for. Not even at their age! So why is it suddenly cute when they do it? Because "they're famous and rich"?
My mom and dad always do that. Parents who tell kids to hurry up but take even longer themselves are setting a very bad example for their kids.
I do this to my kids all the time. Shame on me.
My mom takes forever to leave the house.
Every time I try to spend time with my mum, she isolates me and rudely screams at me for no reason. This is why I've lost so much respect for her - she is very rude to me for no reason. I'm always nice to her, but she screams at me a lot. If I start to scream, she acts like something is wrong with me. What a hypocritical mum! Then, all of a sudden, she acts like she's the victim when it's clearly her fault. My mum is always on my dad's side, even when he harasses me.
Whenever you get mad at them, they tell you to control your anger and you get in trouble for being "disrespectful." But when they get mad at you, they can scream louder than a jumbo jet, threaten you, shame you, get physical, or punish you. It's so unfair!
Every time my mom gets angry, I never accuse her of being rude and just mind my own business. But when I do the same thing, she tells everyone that I'm very rude and overreacts.
Either that, or their help is useless and would actually get you into more trouble.
My mum wears shorts, mini dresses, and skirts, and she allows my sisters to wear them too. But if I wear anything short, my mum gets angry with me in a very aggressive way and tells me I look like a prostitute. For every little thing, she's always ashamed of me. This makes me want to fully hate my mum and my ugly sisters!