Top Ten Surprising Facts About Christmas

The Top Ten
1 “Jingle Bells” was originally supposed to be a Thanksgiving song

I am assuming you mean the AMERICAN Thanksgiving, that is. Canada celebrates Thanksgiving in early October, as opposed to late November.

2 Mistletoe (Viscum album) is from the Anglo-Saxon word misteltan, which means “little dung twig” because the plant spreads though bird droppings

How romantic.

3 Santa didn’t always have a beard
4 Each year more than 3 billion Christmas cards are sent in the U.S alone
5 In 1913, a New York couple were arrested and fined $15 for kissing in the street on Christmas Day.
6 Japanese people traditionally eat at KFC for Christmas dinner

Must be a relatively recent "tradition."

7 In Poland at Christmas, spiders or spider webs are common trees decorations. Spiders are seen as signs of goodness and prosperity at Christmas
8 Santa Claus originated in a newspaper ad

He originated from St Nicholas who then became Father Christmas who used to be slim with a beard and dressed in green and entertained not for children then Santa Claus came and it all changed.

9 Santa Claus is based upon St. Nicholas of Bari
10 Nearly 60 million Christmas Trees are grown each year in Europe.
The Contenders
11 Some Christians celebrate Christmas in January, as opposed to December
12 The first Christmas card was commissioned by Sir Henry Cole and was sent in 1843

Another thing the Brits did first... ;).

13 The very first Nativity scene was made by St. Francis of Assisi
14 Christmas came from Saturnalia and Yule.
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