Top 10 Things You Would Do If You Were the U.S. President

The Top Ten
1 Deport Justin Bieber back to Canada

I was going to say Canada sorry for the grammar error.

Sorry for spelling Canada wrong

2 Host annual "wear no clothes" day
3 Prank call every person in the U.S.
4 Jump off a plane and land on the world's largest trampoline
5 Legalize marijuana
6 Eat at any restaurant for free
7 Give everybody a "funny" autograph
8 Pee in a glass and drink it in front of everyone in the annual inauguration
9 Host a real life "Purge"
10 Ship free beer and drugs to every house in the U.S.
The Contenders
11 Execute all the cops
12 Ban school

Ban school to make school haters happy

13 Send Justin Bieber to Afghanistan and make him fight for his country
14 Send Donald Trump to Afghanistan and make him fight for his country
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