Top TheTopTens Users You Would Like to Rate Most
This list is like "Top Questions To Ask Users of TheTopTens" But you can rate a user on a item. I desided to do this cause on every "Ask (Insert User)" Post, I seen people asking "What would you rate me? " So I deside to make a list, cause why not?I somehow had to type the Devil's Number to publish this list, why did I have to do that?
Feel free to add any user so anyone can rate them.
Don't agree with the list? Vote for an existing item you think should be ranked higher or if you are a logged in, add a new item for others to vote on or create your own version of this list.
Rating a user is easy but rating multiple users isn't easy, cause there isn't only one admin but more than one admin, and different admin work differently.
The original stat king. Since I wasn't on in his hay day, I can't give him over an 8.
10 easy. Britgirl is the funniest user ever and just an overall nice person to talk to.
Hey buddy, you forgot the one in front of the zero!
She's beautiful, like a young Doris Day
I'm so sorry Ananya that we keep facing in tournaments. 8.
Ayyy I'm growing into a plant that eats potato. Hey this big jump into the Top 420...20 means I'm getting remixed a lot. Thanks guys for making my TTT life lit.
9/10 would be a 10 if he would admit to pole dancing lol k I'll cut it out now. But yeah he's a cool guy.
Why would you want to rate God? It makes no sense whatsoever.
My dude, 10/10. Bruhs he's too funny that your cheekbones start to hurt.
8.5/10. He seems like a nice guy and he also likes EDM so that's cool but he hates Rap music which is my second favourite music genre (EDM is my favourite) but everyone has they're opinions.-LitSavage (The visitor who acts like a user)
7/10 He might be overrated but he knows how to make a good list.
8.9/10. He is a little bit overrated but he's awesome and makes awesome lists.
The Newcomers
A 10/10 for all the accomplishments he has made on TheTopTens. He has the highest member score, made the most remixes, made the most comments, and has good tastes in music, games, cartoons, and anime (but Naruto shouldn't be number 1 on his Top 10 Worst Anime remix! ). Anyways, he is easily the best user on this website along with CastlevaniaFanboy128.
8/10. He does have inconceivably high stats, but abused quantity just to get there, and the reason why he has so many remixes is because he didn't care about quality and doesn't put any descriptions in the remixes.
11/10. DCfnaf is very nice and a good critical critic of music!
Googol/10. DCFnaf is hardworking and nice.
8/10 He knows good tenners and bad ones. Only thing that takes away from me is his constant SAO protecting. Like I get that we all have different opinions and he probably doesn't mind most opinions but he definitely over-defends SAO in my opinion. Still though he's a great user.
Hey man! It's me again! Sorry for thinking that you were a Weeaboo it was just a misunderstanding I apologize for that You are a good guy and a great user but there are just things I don't agree with you but oh well. Everyone is not gonna agree on everything I give you an 8/10 you rock man!
9/10. Very nice user, she respect opinions, makes great remixes and comments.