Top Ten Vocaloid Questions to Ask to Users of TheTopTens
1. A Hero's Armor is Always Crimson
2. The Escape of Salmhofer the Witch
3. Swear and Oath that Bridge (I don't know if those translations came out wrong oops)
4. The Fifth Pierrot
5. Capriccio Farce
HM: World is Mine
Cantarella, Rolling Girl, Two faced lovers, WORLD'S END DANCE HALL, Unhappy Refrain, Electric Angel, Servant of Evil, World Is Mine, Migikata no chou, Just be friends, Ai Kotoba, Melt, Six Trillion Years and overnight, Shooting star, You're seriously mad? I'm not mistaken here, Saw and Pendulum, Ellie, Elsa Maria, The Fox's wedding, Your Heart and I becoming one, The spider and the Kitsune like lion, My seventh Celebration, The Clear Demonic Mirror, Beheading Dance, Kagome Kagome, Wil O' The Wisp, Ageha Glow, God of Marie, Outburn Kamikaze, Gigantic OTN(The beats. The BEATS), Ergonomic Hero.
Miku: Very sweet and cheerful but arrogant. She pretends to be overly confident but is extremely insecure on the inside and gets angry easily. She also suffers from depression. She's values her friends over anything else however she can be a bit rude to the less known Vocaloids. So, in short, a Tsundere. She previously had crushes on Luka, Len, Haku, and Kaito but is currently dating Rin.
Len: Very easygoing and well-liked but also cocky and perverted. He tries to flirt but fails badly most of the time. He enjoys video games and anime. While he finds Rin annoying he would do anything for her and occasionally goes along with her pranks. Despite usually going for girls he's currently dating Oliver.
Rin: Hyperactive and cheerful. She enjoys pranking/bothering the other Vocaloids (usually Len lol). However she can be soft around her loved ones (mostly Len and Miku). She tends to get lower grades than Len but she isn't dumb, as she spends a lot of time scheming. She loves her gf very much and enjoys taking her to odd places for dates.
Luka: An older sister to the younger Vocaloids. She's very sweet but gets annoyed easily and just wants a break. She taught the other Vocaloids to speak English. Currently in a poly relationship with Gakupo and Gumi.
Kaito: He tries to be a good friend to the other Vocaloids but can be quite dumb sometimes. However he's still loved by the other Vocaloids, especially his wife, Meiko.
Meiko: Very sweet and like a mother figure to the younger Vocaloids however she'd fight anyone and tends to act before thinking.
KaiMei, FukaFlower, RinKu, and Banana Bird
Borderline twincest.-.
A lot of songs portray them as twins but many songs also portray them as lovers. I'm so confused. So I decided to see them as twins who have a borderline "closeted incestous" relationship.
Lovers who were reborn as twins.
"Sakine Meiko" or High pitched meiko because my ears bleed when I here her high pitched.
Eh, It's not my thing but I don't hate it. As long as you Head-canon kaito to be younger and such.
I don't like it, to be honest. That would be pedophilia, honestly.
The Newcomers
I can see the perverted boys in my class dancing to gigantic otn or soap lagoon.
YouTube recommendations gave me the song "Karma" and I found it nice so I went to the channel and found more songs, found them a jam to and yeah.
I came across Vocaloid's official website and fell down a deep Vocaloid rabbit hole. Had no idea it was by Yamaha, so imagine my surprise.