Top 10 Worst Places to Be Nude

The Top Ten
1 In Court
2 Police Station

Nice way to instantly go to jail.

3 Principal's Office

Unless the principal is a pervert.

4 Crowded Mall

I have some strange dreams about this. Thankfully for everyone that's as far as it gets.

Literally be the center of attention.

5 Public Park
6 Elementary School

Where do I start...

7 Chernobyl

Unless you want to be a ghoul.

8 Dark Alley

I would not recommend passing a dark alley even when clothed.

9 Church
10 Anti-Nude Rally
The Contenders
11 Island with Cannibal Tribes

At least you'll finally be useful. As a food source that is.

12 Public Transport
13 Airport
14 Sporting Event
15 Theme Park
16 Tiananmen Square
17 Mecca
18 At a Televised Awards Ceremony
19 Antarctica
20 At a Funeral
21 At a Wedding
22 Island Full of Snakes

And most of them are venomous.

23 Brooklyn Bridge
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