Worst Survivor Strategists

The 10 Castaways that just simply FAILED at strategy.
The Top Ten
1 J.T. Thomas
2 Shane Powers
3 Ozzy Lusth Oscar "Ozzy" Lusth is a reality star, well known for playing on the his reality show "Survivor." He played in the seasons "Cook Islands," "Micronesia," "South Pacific," and "Game Changers."
4 Chase Rice
5 Jay Byars
6 Christina Cha

She was just terrible, I mean she wasn't strong physically wise and not really strong socially either, however if she was in another season I think she may have possibly been stronger.

You mean the girl from One World? She should have gone home before Kat, Nina, and Kourtney.

7 Becky Lee
8 Natalie Tenerelli
9 Colby Donaldson
10 Tyson Apostol
The Contenders
11 Stephanie LaGrossa
12 Matt Elrod

Told Rob that he was considering voting for him

13 Jud Birza
14 Taylor Stocker
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