Top 10 Most Annoying Anti-SJW YouTube Channels
These channels are the most annoying anti-SJW channels because they bash the left and call all liberals SJWs, but give the right a pass as much as possible. Let's begin.This guy is just insane! He's not quite as bad as his boss (Alex Jones), but he's still extremely dishonest. He seems to think all the world's problems are caused by lefties who run the Illuminati and blames things not caused by SJWs on SJWs.
He does have good points sometimes, but unfortunately, he is a huge jerk to those who disagree with him.
Go look at the likes of any generic anti-SJW, and you'll almost always find multiple videos from this guy.
This guy is hilarious. A white supremacist who is convinced that women are greatly inferior in terms of intelligence and that they should not have the right to vote or make important decisions in general. Also, he lives in Japan despite being against legal immigration.
Stereotypical 4chan-style news reporting. Alt-right, uses Pepe and the NPC meme in all the thumbnails long after they died, supports cancel culture, etc.
This guy thinks we should go back to a Christian society just because "it would mean we would have fewer SJWs and Muslims."
This guy says he's a liberal, but that's kind of hard to believe because all he does is talk about how SJWs are bad and tries to defend Donald Trump as much as he possibly can.
The only good thing he did was excel at outing the treacherous Anita Sarkeesian and defending the MAGA hat kid from bullying. Other than that, he hates gays and lies about his political opinions by saying he's a leftist.
Dude is the biggest hypocrite on YouTube. He comments on athletic fitness being important and key to alpha males who succeed, but he's overweight and claims he's an alpha male. He's the worst debater I've ever seen, just resorting to name-calling, and it's hilarious how petty his concerns are (i.e., his Avengers: Infinity War SJW moments video was downright laughable in how idiotic it is). The epitome of the worst of anti-SJW content.
I'm a conservative who's against SJWs, and even I hate this guy. He's annoying, dumb, hypocritical, petty, and overreacts to little things. He also attacked YouTubers like Sh0e and Blaire White for no reason and kept asking Sh0e personal questions about her relationship. He's extremely obnoxious. If a conservative version of an SJW ever existed, it's him.
Although people see her as an anti-feminist, her views are incredibly similar to those of third-wave feminists and SJWs.
I still don't understand her actual views. Very confusing person.
Her political views are quite confusing.
MGTOWs in general, fam. Thank God I got out of that camp while I could!
This guy is one of the worst political YouTubers of all time. When he was a conservative grifter, he was an unfunny try-hard ripoff of Steven Crowder, who wasn't funny and had bad arguments. Now, as a leftist grifter, he's an unfunny try-hard ripoff of Vaush, who isn't funny and has bad arguments. And he's a nasty person.
He needs to be number one! He thinks EVERYTHING is an SJW conspiracy to ruin everything.
He makes conservatives look bad (I'm a libertarian), and he's such a smug prick.
Says liberals get triggered over everything. Posts videos ranting about liberals.
He only calls out the liberals who are mentally insane.
This guy is actually the most insane individual on the internet, and he doesn't even make up for it by being funny.
He is also very obnoxious about the fact that he's an atheist.
I only really watch his old Justin Bieber videos, which were pretty funny.
Aside from Crowder's blatant hypocrisy about SJWs (in that he criticizes them, but whenever someone disagrees with the Bible, he flips), he is a huge racist (he has done extremely offensive impressions of Chinese and Latino people) and homophobe, which I should not even need to explain myself on, but you know what he said about Carlos Maza. He is also an egregious transphobe, calling gender reassignment for children child abuse.
Also, I just cackle so hard that I choke when he defends Christopher Columbus, who single-handedly reduced the population of Haiti by 95%.
She is essentially the same kind of Muslim fundamentalist she claims to hate.
The typical dumb blonde. All she does is pander to the salt-right.
The Newcomers
I don't hate him on his own. I just feel sad knowing he chose this.
Vile human being. No sense of empathy or reason in her at all. She just exists to spread hatred against minorities and collect a fat check doing so.
I think Candace Owens is attractive.
Anyway, no more pleasantries. Her hypocrisy is on par with Ben Shapiro's, and her stupidity is greater than Steven Crowder's. No, I won't comment on her attractiveness again.
Anyone who takes her seriously should evaluate their mental state. She doesn't trust Scientific American because it's a .com website.
So, I guess you don't trust Fox News? Explain, woman!
She says she doesn't care what celebrities think, but she constantly hangs out with Kanye West, whom she describes as the Sultan, Grand Duke, Tsar, Viceroy, Emperor, and King of inserting himself into political discussions that don't need him.
She claims to be against playing the race card in arguments, yet she did exactly that to California Representative Ted Lieu. He rightfully pointed out her comments on Hitler, who she said would have been "fine" if he stayed in Germany. When Rep. Lieu, in a hearing about hate speech, pointed out her comments, she accused him of racism for thinking that black people would fall for his argument. This is a blatant use of the race card.
It's reminiscent of when she called Hawk Newsome racist for rightfully pointing out that African Americans are less likely to have an ID due to institutional racism, which in turn enables racist politicians and police officers to arrest them more, thereby raising the recidivism rate. She dismisses the issue of African Americans being more likely to be poor, saying it offends her, even though it's proven that black people are more likely to be poorer. This is evidenced by the fact that people are three times as likely to deny resumes with black-sounding names, and police are more likely to shoot black individuals, like Tamir Rice, who wasn't even a criminal, just a twelve-year-old with a toy gun, or Eric Garner, who was choked to death by police for selling cigarettes without a license.
And of course, she denies modern-day school segregation, even though it's... more
This guy used to mainly talk about extremist Christians, like what most of the skeptic community talked about, until around 2015 or 2016. But he sold out and now only talks about SJWs and defends extreme right-wing politics. He also jumped on the Bill Nye hate bandwagon.
Ethan used to be a good anti-SJW, but in one of his recent podcasts, he said he doesn't think that John McCain is a hero because he supported some of Obama's policies.
Used to be good, but now he sucks because he's become a generic anti-SJW.
This guy actually makes pretty decent tech reviews, but he's become so conservative that it's not even funny.
It's now to the point where it's hard to watch all of his political videos. He honestly should have just stuck to making tech reviews.
As I said in my last comment, it's an artifact name, and it shows. No computing is done at all.
I have a conspiracy theory: He WAS the MAGA kid. Due to the media not wanting his name (ironic, as it shows conservatives win) and the likeness of conservatives, he actually was the MAGA kid of 2019.
This guy used to be decent. Just like Sargon, he calls himself a liberal, but he only attacks SJWs non-stop and defends Donald Trump.
Does he even talk about politics anymore?
An Odinist who claims to love Sweden and Europe, but has an enormous hate for all the freedoms of his home and his continent.
He's basically the conservative version of Steve Shives.
Voted no for gays, anybody with even slightly dyed hair (including cosplays) is automatically labeled an SJW feminazi. "Greta Hates Boats" sounds like a funny YTP, but it's not, sadly. Spammed his keyboard with random letters for his "Inclusive Language Guide" parody. It seems like a parody video with SpongeBob music in the background and TTS narration, but it's not. Complained about Australian internet for censoring 4chan, which engages in a bunch of illegal activities. There's more to the problems, but for now, that's all folks!
Not an alt-right, but rather a notable figure of the alt-left. A few decades ago, which seems like just yesterday, music videos and Beavis & Butthead were the norm instead of what some view as her indoctrinating propaganda. 1.4 million people have subscribed to her channel. She clickbaits by making her video thumbnails appear alt-right, yet the contents are decidedly alt-left.
While she is slowly shifting from being alt-left to more centrist, she hardly uploads anymore, which cements her image as permanently alt-left. Most of her recent videos are not political and sometimes show inconsistent leanings. In one video, she asserts there are only two genders. In another, she endorses woke feminism. She seems to be improving by appealing to both sides, but her older and most popular videos are undeniably alt-left.
These include titles like "Let's Lose Virginity" (obviously a sarcastic title), "I'm Pansexual" (no member of the alt-right would claim to be pansexual), and "Fat Shame" (as you can imagine). Overall, she is most famous for being a significant alt-left figure seven years ago.