Top Ten Nuzlocke Let's Plays on YouTube

The Nuzlocke Challenge is a popular fan-made ruleset for the Pokemon games, and it's popular amongst the YouTube community, so here are the best ones!
The Top Ten
1 ProJared's FireRed Nuzlocke

Come on, this is the Nuzlocke everyone has seen, how could it NOT be #1?

2 PBG's Alpha Sapphire Nuzlocke

Not the most serious Nuzlocke but so entertaining and funny.

3 Polygon Pokemon y Nuzlocke

This guy is hilarious, and he makes the nuzlocke not feel slow

4 TyranitarTube's Alpha Sapphire Extreme Randomizer
5 Marriland's Black Wedlocke
6 GameXplain's Yellow Nuzlocke
7 ShadyPenguinn's Leaf Green Shadylocke
8 MunchingOrange's Sweet Nuzlocke
9 SuperCarlinGaming's Pearl Nuzlocke
10 ProJared's Y Nuzlocke
The Contenders
11 Thekingnappy Platinum Versus
12 MandJTVPokevids' Platinum Nuzlocke
13 Mumkey Jones Crystal Nuzlocke

Harsh difficulty and entertaining host.

14 PB&Jeff's FireRed Randomizer Nuzlocke
15 SuperCarlinGaming's Black Nuzlocke
16 SuperCarlinGaming's FireRed Nuzlocke
17 Marrilands HeartGold Nuzelock
18 Marriland's Emerald Nuzlocke
19 pChal's Emerald Kaizo Hardcore Nuzlocke
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