Top Ten Reasons Why PewDiePie is Terrible

I list down why I have a burning hatred for this douche. If you are a member of his Ho Army, then come at me bitch.
The Top Ten
1 Everyone thinks he is extremely overrated

So? , pewdiepie now isn't that overrated now, he only gets 1 through 5 mil views per video in a week or month, KSI and Logan paul are much more overrated

I bet most of his haters are either boomers, kids or loosers who think they are cool for hating on him. no offense to people who are neutral about pewdiepie though

Yeah he is for sure

2 Not funny in the slightest

There's ton of videos that Pewdiepie just uploaded on YouTube. They can or can't be funny at the same time. I didn't enjoy his Lasagna music video criticizing T Series due to the fact that both him and T Series are on the race for who gets the most subscribers. Seriously? That's just rude. I thought both T Series and Pewdiepie are both good. Pewdiepie and T Series are not perfect as well as the the rest of YouTube community, but they're both good at entertaining the crowd. Which one of them would reach 100 million subscribers? Only one way to find out soon.

He knows his audience in many ways, someimes he uploads screaming content, and other times, he's not funny, but making entertainment content. Ever since he got married, he was insnaley mature.

None of his jokes never make me die of laughter, or laugh, or grin at all. He makes the exact joke over and over and over again.

Honestly, pewdiepie it's so boring!

3 He had turned his terrible fanbase into hypnotized jerks

I try to turn my fan base against PewDiePIe. Currently, this means that I convinced nobody to hate PewDiePie because I don't have a fanbase. That's why I'm trying to do it through ExplodingTNT's fanbase.

PewDiePie has one of the worst fanbases ever to exist. Whenever PewDiePie does something hurtful or cringey, the fans don't care cause their hypnotized. They will shout at you and spam cancerous insults if you disagree with them.

Pewdiepie's 9 year old army is one of the most toxic fanbases on the internet. Most of them can't take criticism and will just call you gay.

What I bet you can't stand that he is very good looking.

4 Does videos for the money

He does now ,10yrs ago he just wanted to share his content, youtube is a corporate trash company now. The sooner youtube ends the better, He sold out.

Every youtuber does youtube for money, how are they supposed to make money for their videos? , living in the streets?

Everyone does. It doesn't make him bad.

How is that a bad thing exactly?

5 He creates cringey content

His "content" is what exactly screaming like a girl on pms and playing games poorly? His content is cringey cause he's not good at anything.

He does many cringey things.

6 Has done controversial things

FIRST OF ALL we are the 9 year old army, and he has done many things to help other people, like charities.

He sometimes leaves clues at doing videos for money and watching porno

Racism, enough said. I am talking about the other racist dheads also.

7 Plays terrible games

Sounds like games that are the most popular.

Minecraft is not a terrible game, boomer.

He plays games like Call of Duty, Grand Theft Auto, FNAF and other terrible games.

He doesn't play games

8 Promotes terrible games

Promotes games like Flappy Bird, which is a game that has killed many people.

Ok this is epic

9 Makes inappropriate and immature jokes

Male are more immature than female. Rude jokes, say inappropriate things complain about pc correctness when they are being inappropriate, and off topic one called Bronies.

His thumbnails aren't what you said, what the heck? , your probably search up the wrong channel

I don't think those 2 can be done at the same time. Also, when did he even make an inapropriate or immature joke?

All he jokes about is dicks and vaginas. He also makes fun of serious topics, such as, Hitler And Ebola.

10 He is racist

The n word was an accident. Watch "my response." I'm a blue eyes white dragon while you're just a dark magician is a reference to yugi oh. Guess to beat one Swedish boy you need a billion asians means when you make an account in India, you're automatically subscribed to the series. Indian mafia is a reference to Kumar being murdered in 1997.

You are a disgrace to the Indians and all the other races you made fun of. Now go quit YouTube and Screw, Tie, Die! Get it? Pewdiepie to ScrewTieDie!

Need any of us say more. Everyone should treat each other with equal respect.

Ok.. That may be a bit true...

The Contenders
11 He makes fun of Indians

He is making fun of Indians and then what? He also made fun of russians like: "what is wrong with their country" or stuff like that. The point is, he is making fun of EVERYTHING even of his own race or even OF HIMSELF very very often

Especially when it comes to T-Series. I can't stand that channel. So I'm glad Pewds has dissed that company. YouTube is not about You anymore.

Yes he does make fun of Indians. He is making fun of the country which I live in.

Didn't he raised money for Indians who are poor?

12 He swears a lot

Enough to get onto South Park the sitcom of swearing like a sailor.

More than a random teenager.

13 Used to be funny...but now gains popularity through controversy, roasting and spreading hatred
14 He is annoying

He never shuts his damn mouth for five seconds. Its like a beating into my ear. Just hurts.

15 He didn’t play the game right

There was a really cool game that many youtubers played but he would not play it full out and it was super frustrating!

It makes it better!

16 His videos are boring

So many people like Pewdiepie for no actual reasons at all! His videos are so boring and it sucks for everyone! He talks a lot none stop! Everyone must not like and subscribe to him! Everyone that likes him and watching his video is a waste of time! I can't handle it anymore! Someone has to report him on YouTube ASAP! This has to stop!

17 He is anti-semitic

Nope. What's the evidence?

18 He hates T-Series
19 He hates Norway

No wonder he hates Norway. He knows Norway is way better and richer than his beloved Sweden.

20 He swears a lot to 9 year olds
21 He is an idiot

PewDiePie is a idiot this is true. He can relate to his fanbase.

22 He has memberships
23 He hates Jews
24 He makes fun of The language of Indians
25 He promoted Nimses which was a scam
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