Worst Political YouTubers

Now there are many youtubers who do tons of political content. Now there are very few of them that I actually like but some are just really bad.
The Top Ten
1 BuzzFeed BuzzFeed, Inc. is an American Internet media, news and entertainment company with a focus on digital media. Based in New York City, BuzzFeed was founded in 2006 by Jonah Peretti and John S. Johnson III to focus on tracking viral content. Kenneth Lerer, co-founder and chairman of The Huffington Post, started as a co-founder and investor in BuzzFeed and is now the executive chairman.

SJW central.
Well they aren't completely political but they have made tons of SJW bullcrap and have gained controversies for them. Also wasn't it these guys that started that whole manspreading thing. I mean imagine creating a problem out of this. Do these people not know that us males have these things called testicles so we need extra space.

No one takes them seriously whatsoever, they're some of the biggest lolcows on the internet. Their political views are biased, all their articles and videos are clickbait. Everyone already knows this, people have been making fun of them on youtube and many other sites for few years already, move on.

Hey Darkboi, what do you think of ShoeonHead and Dr. Shaym?
Also, the fact that left-wing videos on Youtube get bombarded with dislikes, yet a right-wing video gets dozens of praise. Just look at EazyonMe's videos and compare his rants against the left compared to the rants against the right

BuzzFeed is a political channel, I thought they were just a pop culture channel that made a bunch of opinion pieces.
The more you know

2 Black Pigeon Speaks

This guy is an actual racist and an actual sexist.
This guy thinks women are inferior and are destroying western civilization.
He also believes in kicking out minorities and wants a completely homogeneous country and it's basically thinly veiled "I want an ethnostate".

I'm so happy he's number one. He said women should not have the right to vote. He's also said that women are way less intelligent than men, and always want to be dominated by men.
Of course, he's also extremely racist; But that's a story for another time...

Let's make this simple: the worst political Youtubers are...ALL OF THEM. Why in the world would I want to listen to your nonsense? I want to have fun, not be preached to!

He's a hateful, disgusting, shallow, and overall discriminatory YouTuber.

3 Milo Stewart

One of those 2015-2017 SJW youtubers who were famous for the hate they got and rightfully so. Typical SJW who keeps spouting stuff like "all white people are racist", "all men are sexist", etc and she did say them.
Also the one who started the whole #76genders bullcrap.

Her: "All white people are racist."
Also her: Whiter than snow.

I hate her!

Edit: I carried away a bit.

4 The Young Turks

Named after people who started a genocide which they tell their 4 million supporters that the genocide never happened I'm talking about the armenian genocide which was caused by the government group the young turks

A denyier of the armenian genocide why does he still be on youtube denying the armenian genocide is like denying the holocaust. nothing but a turkish shill

Cenk is a denier of the Armenian genocide. Also sad how Anna(Who is Armenian herself) works with this guy.

Armenian genocide deniers.


Should be number 2 behind buzzfeed. They tell fake news and lies and YouTube promotes them.

6 Jason Unruhe

This guy is a tankie. For those of you who don't know that is, a tankie is a communist who either denies or supports the atrocities committed by communist dictators like Joseph Stalin or Mao Zedong.
Anyways, this guy is a huge fan of Mao Zedong, I mean he even is also known as "Maoist Rebel News".

7 Stefan Molyneaux

Thinly veiled racist. Thinks that race somehow determines the IQ. He brings up how Whites, East Asians and Ashkenazi Jews are smart because of their race and not that maybe a lot of people in those demographics do lot's of research.
This guy also ignores how Arabs, Blacks, Latinos and all the other races can be smart and there are many smart Blacks, smart Arabs, smart Latinos, etc.
Not only that, this guy claims to be a Libertarian yet has very Authoritarian views. His thinly veiled racism is one of them.

8 Lauren Southern

Another thinly veiled racist. Believes this whole "white genocide" garbage and also low key supports apartheid. She made a short film going to a white only town in South Africa and basically it's low key support for apartheid as she seems to think that the reason that town has low crime is because it's white.

9 Feminist Frequency

I'm all for feminism and women's rights, but this is just a step too far. Not even a step- a whole marathon too far.

I don't really agree with her philosophy at all, but she doesn't really deserve all those threats either

Oh yeah. This girl is awful. But isn't she more of a video game journalist than a political youtuber?

If she was political, how I wish that channel have never existed...

10 Jenniferveterans4truth

She literally tried to convince people the world was ending 3 times and it hasn't happened she Also is a flat earther. She also believes there's civilizations on antartica which is impossible because of galacers

The Contenders
11 AngryMGTOW

I'm a dude here, and what I don't like about MRAs is that they blame feminism for problems that were started by men.

12 Lets Talk Elections

Very politically biased
He is like CNN and tyt of and always overblown the democrats

13 Paul Joseph Watson

Thinks that depression isn't a mental illness yet thinks love is a mental illness.
This guy also thinks that "conservatism is the new Punk Rock" which is ironic as conservatives hated Punk Rock and besides Conservatism is a very mainstream ideology in USA. Now Liberalism isn't exactly "the new Punk Rock" either but where have you seen people saying that.
This guy is also a conspiracy theorist and works with Alex Jones.

Nah, this guy actually makes really great commentary on popular culture and the state of social justice

Works for Alex Jones. Need I say more?

14 PragerU

Makes tons of propaganda videos and spreads false information. They have tons of videos that do this.
Also it's quite obvious the "university" part in PragerUniversity is just to make them seem better because there is no actual university called PargerUniversity.

They are a great bottom of the barrel YT channel for other more political channels to debunk their videos for a cheap laugh, though it is said that people actually believe what they say in their videos

I hate them, but eh. Not like top 10 worst. I hate the fact that they're famous though. That means Dennis profits from that channel.

15 Vice
16 steven crowder

This guy thinks that Hitler was a Liberal Socialist.
Yes, this guy thinks Hitler was a Liberal AND a Socialist. Saying that Hitler was Socialist is wrong but I can see why someone would say that(I mean Hitler's party was the National Socialist German Workers party) but saying Hitler was a Liberal? You gotta be retarded.

This guy is also a huge climate change denier too.
Also a hypocrite who complains about the left politicizing things when this guy does that too. Now as a leftist I do admit that many leftists do it but this guy also does it.

Thinks Hitler was a Liberal Socialist and Steven is also a climate change denier.

I'll NEVER understand how this man has millions of subscribers and fans.

17 David Pakman Show
18 Bloomberg Politics
19 Nicole Arbour Nicole Arbour is a Canadian actress, choreographer, comedian, dancer, singer, and YouTube personality. She is known for the video "Dear Fat People"
20 No Bulls***

Another Trump fanboy who keeps making the exact same videos over and over again, controversies about how the left is responsible for every single bad thing in the world
Another prove why Maga-kids and SJW are basically the exact same thing, crying idiots

He's on Leafy level of creativity and originality and he only gets subs by creating an echo chamber for dumb, angry, edge-lord wannabes and virgins.

Again, hypocrite.

21 Secular Talk
22 India In Details
23 Ben Shapiro Benjamin Aaron Shapiro (born January 15, 1984) is an American conservative political commentator, writer and lawyer. He has written seven books, the first being 2004's Brainwashed: How Universities Indoctrinate America's Youth, which he started writing when he was 17 years old.

Some of his points are kind of valid, but you don't really need to be a right-winger to separate fact from feeling. And that especially is important with climate change or separation of church and state, both of which many Republicans use their feelings to deny both.

A disgrace to his catch phrase "facts don't care about your feeling"

24 Blaire White

I agree with her on some things but she kind of seems like she's saying "I'm the only good trans person"

25 Red Ice TV

DarkBoi - X, please add them. Video titles :

"How Interracial relationships are forced on white women"
"They want you dead, white man! "
"Why they want to replace white people."
Videos include her saying sarcastically : "There's nothing wrong about a black man marrying a black woman and having a beautiful mixed-race baby."
They're always complaining about "white genocide" and how youtube are trying to censor them.
They're like Lauren Southern, but WAY more racist. ALso they've got tons of fans and their comment sections are full of nazis.
Quote from a comment : "The future of white people died when Hitler lost the war" "You're right that THEY want white people dead, but why aren't you naming them? It's the jews and you know it, ever since that holocaust crap, they've been controlling us. Rebel! "

They got banned off youtube

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