Top 10 Minecraft Glitches

There are some very insane glitches in Minecraft. Some are useful, some are funny, some are just absolutely bizarre. Vote for your favorite glitch in Minecraft. Please keep in mind that some of these glitches are probably patched.
The Top Ten
The Far Lands

The Far Lands are a well-known and peculiar phenomenon, located extremely far from the spawn point. You'll recognize them by their strange terrain generation, lag, and odd block behaviors.

Exploring the Far Lands is a unique experience, but it requires teleportation to reach them. I highly recommend checking out this glitch for yourself.

Item Duplication

There are several ways to duplicate items in Minecraft. One method involves a campfire surrounded by wood logs, and a shulker box containing the items you wish to duplicate. First, ensure the shulker box is in your inventory. Then, jump into the fire until you are down to 2 hearts.

Once you're at 2 hearts, exit to the title screen and rejoin the world, then die. Wait 15 seconds before forcibly closing Minecraft using Task Manager. Upon rejoining the world, you should find the shulker box both in your inventory and at your death location. Congratulations, you have successfully duplicated items!

Going Above Bedrock in the Nether

I'm sure this glitch is still possible. There are many methods, but one involves using a ladder and an ender pearl. Go to the top of the Nether and place a ladder against the block directly below the topmost block.

Climb the ladder and use an ender pearl to pass through the block and reach the top. However, exiting this area can be challenging. I recommend watching a tutorial by Ray's Works on this subject.

Flying on a Pig

Note: this glitch has been patched. It was quite amusing. You would start riding a pig and, with a fishing rod in hand, spam it correctly while on the pig to start flying. This was one of my personal favorites.

Trees Going Through Blocks

If saplings are grown with blocks positioned above them, the resulting trees will grow through these blocks. Trees can even break bedrock using this method. Yes, you read that correctly. However, this glitch has likely been patched.

Dancing Ender Dragon

Another curious development glitch involved the Ender Dragon, which began dancing unexpectedly. This performance was so remarkable that it would receive perfect scores from all judges. You can find more information on this with a simple Google search.

Anvils vs. Crops

For some unknown reason, attempting to destroy crops with anvils results in the crops remaining unharmed, while the anvil turns into a drop instead. It begs the question: just how strong are Minecraft crops?

X-Ray Glitch

There are various methods to perform the X-Ray glitch, which allows you to see hidden structures such as mineshafts, providing a significant advantage.

Maurice, but I don't know how you do it.

Wither Crashes Minecraft

During its development, the Wither mob caused the game to crash in various bizarre ways. This glitch was notable for affecting the Java software on computers.

Pigs are Creepers

The existence of creepers can be traced back to a glitch during the development of pigs. Notch, while creating the pig mob, accidentally made them tall instead of long, leading to their weird appearance. This mistake inspired the creation of a new mob, thus the birth of creepers.

The Newcomers

? Not Seeing Beds
? Pause Your Game in a Certain Way and Others Will See You Frozen Mid-Air
The Contenders
Avoid Fall Damage
Flying Minecart
No Lava Damage
Going Through Blocks
Sleeping Animation
Going Through Trees Using Stray Lama Without Saddle
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