Most Liked Big Brother (U.S.) Contestants

Her exit from BB6 has to be the classiest exit in Big Brother history. Her back was against the wall for nearly 2 full seasons but she managed to get to the final 3 before choking. No one came close to matching her intensity in competitions until Rachel came on the scene.
Most likable Big Brother contestant ever.
There's no comparison to anyone who has played this game. Outgoing, fun, loyal, entertaining the perfect one liners. She was always herself and didn't pretend to be something she wasn't. She played hard and for all her criticism had enough strategy to get to the end twice. She's a fighter.

Britney always played a good game, both strategically (neither floater or competitor) and personally (great social game). And, on top of seeing her being one of the most likable people to ever walk the house of Big Brother, she had the SNARKIEST AND FUNNIEST diary room sessions. I absolutely loved her. She's right up there with Janelle, in my book.
She is by far the most likable of all BB females. I hated that Janelle jumped ship and ended their alliance. I wanted brit and janelle to go all the way. She gets my vote for the next all stars cast.

Will should be number one not Janelle! Although Janelle was the first one to actually get rid of him. (Even though Erika persuaded her) I love Will so much, and CHILLTOWN! He was hilarious with his camera relationships and him and Boogie's "phone calls". Love him so much!
Changed the game forever and did it without the veto. So many players act so desperate that they need the money. A reality show should not be your main hope in life to succeed and his attitude brought a charm to the game that was original and refreshing.

Anyone who believes he's not one of the Top 5 Big Brother players of all time should stop watching reality television. It's too complicated for your little minds.
Best Player To come back from a first week alliance. Allso created a great hidden alliance, that know one knew about until it was too late. The Renegades were a great team
I literally love Dan Gheesling so much. He's my FAVORITE big brother player to ever play the game

Jordan was adorable and her relationship with Jeff was so fun to watch. Plus, she had a bit of a temper and it was awesome to see her go after Russell!
Love Jordan and Jeff, glad they are FINALLY engaged!
Cute as a bug and a personality to match!
I loved Janelle like crazy and she is still one of my favorites although I question some of the other contestants she likes but when Jeff came on during Season 11 I thought I had died and gone to heaven. This guy is so hot but even more important he is SO funny and charming and quick. I adore him and love him with Jordan and love him for loving Jordan.
Jeff was so hot, he was funny charming and nice. I fell in love with him within the frist few minutes of season 11. But nothing made me love him more than this relationship with Jordan! They have to be the best showman cue in big brother history. Jeff captured the heart of Amercia winning Amercia's favorite overwhelmingly, not once but twice.
In my opinion...Dick was not a great player of the game, he was a bully. Anyone who intimidates people into agreeing with their views and doing what they say is a bully. I can assure you with bullying being brought so much to the forefront over the past few years, there is no way CBS or any other network would allow him to get away with the stunts he pulled during his season...especially the torture Jen was forced to tolerate. Check out his Twitter. He's still the same bully. You either agree with him or he has a few choice swear words for you before he blocks you. What a loser!

She was the main opponent of Jeff and Jordan and Brendan and Rachel in s13, She was loved by Donato fans and Despised by Jeff and Brenchal fans. (Not too hard to guess who the smart fans were) The only person in season 13 to be realistic and sane amongst emotional train wrecks. Plus an unpredictable and entertaining Player.
Lowkey she was a better player than her dad by far in my opinion. The only reason the jury voted for her dad over her is because Americas player. America voted for Eric to vote for Dick over her and Eric is good at convincing people and he convinced the jury to vote for Dick over her.

I love someone whose competitive. Although it was unnecessary to win every point of view (considering she was already HOH), Rachel is an underdog because people expected her to fail BB13 since her social game was weak. But comes to prove, she can with the game just by becoming HOH as many times as she can.
I was so sick of hearing her voice and watching her cry. I'll give it to her for competitions, but one of the worst social players in the history of the game.
You have to appreciate someone who manages to win despite her really poor social game. She's obviously doing something right.

CBS just made Kaysar seem like this Big Brother machine because of his religion. Butt in reality, he just turned out to be one of the games biggest jokes of all time. His moves were either wimpy, poorly calculated, or poorly timed. And yet, because of his popularity, he is considered one of the best. I hate this guy and I always will.
He's more liked as a person rather than a player. He had potential but was too trusting. He was one of the nicest guys there was (up there with Dan and Donny) which made him likeable.
The Newcomers

One of the smartest player in the game.

100% James was/is an amazing competitor

Extremely funny and entertaining. However, the reason I liked him so much was because he was so open minded. I kind of don't believe the "I'm not gay" statements that he used to preface his love for Frankie, but I really genuinely appreciate that he's not the stereotypical straight white guy who is all squeamish if a gay guy touches them. In fact, I'm pretty sure he had a bigger crush on Frankie than the other way around. "That was the best hug I've ever had"
He is the most entertaining and open minded person on the show. He had a character to play but his big heart out shinned all the negative things that happened his season. His brother is very lucky.

Everyone who says she didn't deserve to win weren't paying attention to the jury during their meeting with Will. Her game worked toward her benefit, while making it look like she was repeating the same game she used last time. But under that layer she was able to fight hard and won when she needed to, a perfect case for the jury to win.
She didn't float for s18 she's played strategic this whole Time and has managed to get her showmance to top 5 and has always been making big moves behind the scenes very amazing player
An absolute class act and Legend. Mike is the reason I've opened my own restaurant.
Very overrated player I didn't even find him funny he was more of a d bag and dr wills tool

He would've made it farther in S18 if Nicole and the targeted each other rather than him and Bridgette. He is such a great player and deserved to go further in this season, but they were all so scared of him. He was an extremely loyal player and I guess they forgot to rewatch him on S14.
I can't believe people ever actually liked him.. In s14 he was so annoying and so cocky and the competition almost felt rigged for him. Definitely my most disliked player
One of my favorites from BB14! He was usually on the block but always would find a way win POVs. Had not been for Dan and taking a liking to him he probably would had made Top 4 at least.
HE IS AWESOME! He played an 100% honest game, and only had ONE VOTE AGAINST HIM! That one vote was a very, very bitter danielle. Dan hid behind his 4 HOHs which was dirty. My next 2 favorite houseguests are Frank and Kaysar. Ian wouldve been evicted second if boogie hadnt saved him so I'm really happy he won

Donn, Cody, and Frankie were the only good males that season. Also, can I just point out how you can literally buy Donny fake beards? But they don't sell em here I live... also that picture is beautiful. Actually pretty fun to watch. If America voted for a winner, Donny would get AT LEAST 60% of the votes.
Probably the nicest and most genuine guy this game has ever seen, and actually a GOOD player, not like the other 13 posers on his season, ( The other two were Derrick and Frankie)
Big Brother rarely casts "regular guys/gals" nowadays, and Donny was one of the most normal ever to appear.

Danielle had the first entertaining diary sessions and played one of the strongest strategic games in the history. Getting her to the end and many jurors regret not voting her to win giving her 1st-runner up. Back then though they could see her ruthless diary rooms which is a reason they made the jury house. Wonderfully amazing player.
She was all business all the time, and her business was to be number one. Unfortunately she may have been too business that it intimidated people versus the respect she should've received as a winner. Her and janelle two best female players ever!
She did not care about what others had to say about her! Helped BB10 make the great season that it was! I'd love to see her back any day!

Loved when he re-entered the house. Some of the houseguests nearly died.
Just cause you have pink hair, it does not mean you are crazy
We wouldn't have the back door if it wasn't for her.
Loved that she wasn't typical girl!

Howie is really weird, and literally never made any game decisions on his own, but he was very entertaining.
-She zipped her mouth shut when racial things was going on in the house
-She told Ginamarie that Nick will never like her in real life
She is the reason why the moving company splited. If she wouldn't have figured them out they probably would had ruled the house.
Great Player! Deserved to win Big Brother 15! She did not over-react to Aaryn and Gina-Marie's racsim! Love Candice!