Best Multiplayer Maps On Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Any fan who loves Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (Call of Duty 6) will love this list. Feel free to add a map to it and feel free to comment.This map is brilliant in many different ways. For example:
- It is a great map for combat with the long hallway and the glass windows.
- It is excellent for sniping because the spawn points are at each end of the map, and there is an addictive area where many players gather, allowing you to rack up a good number of kills.
- There are many good hiding spots on the map, such as in the back of the plane, jumping off the truck near the back of the plane to glitch out of the map, and in between the glass elevators.
- There are many more reasons why this map is, in my opinion, the overall best map in the game.
Well, why not? After all, it has the best sniping ground. Also, I find it fun to jump off the roof when I'm out of ammo. The places I like to snipe are on the crane or on the elevators that allow window washers to wash windows.
This map is great for sniping, as we all know. But the construction area around the map is heavily overused. There are some good camping places in both apartments.
The fact that you can sneak up into your enemy team's building is brilliant, and playing it on Demolition is really fun.
Favela is my favorite map ever created in Call of Duty history, and there are multiple reasons for this. The feel of the map is immersive. You can hear background noises like kids giggling, dogs barking, and cars beeping. You really feel like you're in a Brazilian shantytown.
But there's way more than that. This map is good for every game mode and every playstyle, and the layout is simply brilliant. The rooftop battles made this map so much fun! The three-floor battles are just so well-designed! This map is a rusher's dream but also a sniper's heaven at the same time.
Rust is one of the best maps I've played. It is small and different from other maps with its design and mixed terrain, but that's the recipe for making a perfect map. Close fighting and high-octane battles make it a classic of Call of Duty maps and one to remember.
This map resembles Hardhat. It is crazy and fun. Domination almost seems like one big flag. Because of the small map, Free-For-All is a nightmare for players with little experience online.
It's so fast-paced and crazy, it's all about reaction time, really. I like it because people can't really camp or snipe, which keeps it fast-paced and fresh. This is the only map I can win Free-For-All on, and I do pretty well on it.
Skidrow can be anything, and it is everything. If you're looking for close-quarters combat, there is no shortage. SMGs can dominate this world, as can shotguns. In my opinion, there is no better map in Call of Duty history for running around and knifing people left and right. I've achieved so many long killstreaks just by using the tactical knife on this map.
Additionally, assault rifles can hold positions at C flag (Domination) or in the area at the end of the hallway on either side, as can snipers. It fits every playstyle and every player. The only fault I can give it is that air support isn't great unless you're spawn-trapping the A flag in Domination.
I LOVE this map. It's so fast-paced, yet it's not the slaughterhouse that Rust is. This map is basically like a combination of Highrise and Rust, yet you don't get killed from behind by campers every 2 seconds. This makes Scrapyard, in my opinion, the BEST map for getting scores like 20+ kills and 2-6 deaths (and I suck at Call of Duty).
This should be in the top 3. They remade it in Ghosts - that's how good it was. Fast-paced, could dominate with any gun. Any mode is fun.
This map is great for all weapons. Basically, any game mode can work on this terrific map. There are great areas to be in without overpowering the match. This map is epic, and it's a completely fair and fun map.
What's to hate about this map? I mean, for any sniper, this is heaven! I personally like it in Sabotage mode. It's brilliant.
The three-lane layout with the bridges made it balanced in all game modes. Lots of buildings to play defensively. Both spawn sides are balanced. In my opinion, it's the easiest map to nuke on.
This is a snowy place, better than Derail, and it has better spots.
The Newcomers
Good open spaces and a large cabin make for well-rounded play. The cabin is the best area to fight in, as it is balanced and provides intense combat.
Go on Search and Destroy, equip a javelin if you're playing against trickshotters, and go to the javelin spot. I always get a quad or more.
This was the best map added to the game. It was perfect for Search and Destroy, yet also ideal for other game modes like Domination, Demolition, etc.
A good urban fighting mid-sized map with good flow and easy-to-remember landmarks. Invasion is visually appealing and provides variety by mixing indoor and outdoor areas in a basic design that suits many different playstyles.
This is the best map, period. You can fight effectively any way you like.
Playing this on Search and Destroy is sweet.