Hardest Spec Ops Missions On Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

The Top Ten
Snatch & Grab

Snatch and Grab is seriously the most impossible one ever. The juggernauts kill me, and the enemies hide everywhere around the broken planes. High Explosive wasn't so hard. It took me a while, but I ended up finishing it with my friend. WetWork is hard as well but still not as hard as Snatch and Grab.

Battle Shadow Company and Juggernauts in the airplane graveyard. Grab the intel and escape to the extraction point.

Not the toughest yet for me. I haven't made it to Delta yet, and to me, this isn't the toughest one. However, it is challenging.


Breach and clear two deadly rooms full of enemies and hostages to capture the oil rig.

This one took me days to beat on 3 stars. It's the hardest Spec Op, in my opinion.

High Explosive

This mission is very difficult because you need perfect aim for the Thumper to do any damage. RPGs were the worst as well. I played the level on Co-op after my first few tries and ended up just knifing all of them.

There is a building to the right of the spawn point, with a small back room behind a kitchen. Have a friend lie back there by the dresser, stand in the doorway, and knife and pistol shoot all the juggernauts. You can be constantly revived by your friend. It only takes around 8 minutes this way on veteran to take down all of them.


Laze targets for the Stryker armored vehicle. Battle in the suburbs house to house, room to room.

Homeland Secruity

Sentry guns, thermal sights, rocket launchers, and claymores. Defend yourself from five difficult waves of attackers.

So hard.
1 star: Not that difficult, winnable.
2 stars: Extremely difficult.
3 stars: Nearing impossible, aimbot A.I. for sure.

Armor Piercing

Harder than anything ever done on Spec Ops. This mission was created to annoy the player.

Kill all fifteen Juggernauts on the oil rig. This probably isn't even possible.

Estate Takedown

Eliminate Ghillie Snipers, Elite Mercenaries, and Juggernauts guarding the estate.

Breach & Clear

Phew! I beat this one in 40 seconds. My strategy was to eliminate most of the enemies in the first room, then run like heck to the exit!

Smash through enemy defenses in the Gulag and escape.

Sniper Fi
Bomb Squad

Race through the Favela marketplace, defusing the explosives before it's too late.

The Newcomers

? Big Brother
? Terminal
The Contenders
Body Count

Rack up a large enough body count. Quick kills earn larger bonuses.

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