Top 10 Best Black Ops Zombies Weapons
When it comes to surviving waves of the undead in Black Ops Zombies, the right weapon can make all the difference. Some guns stand out for their ability to take down hordes with ease, while others earn their place for being reliable in the heat of battle.This list celebrates those guns that have proven themselves over countless rounds. From high-powered energy weapons to trusty assault rifles, these are the tools that keep you alive when things get chaotic.
The Thundergun is an amazing wonder weapon, one of the best ever, in fact. It immediately kills every zombie within a 90-degree angle. It has respectable ammo, very balanced in that aspect. This gun is a "SAVE ME NOW" wonder weapon. If you have any sort of trouble, like zombies surrounding you in a corner or the Nova 6 explosions are about to kill you, etc., you just blast the good ol' Thundergun and the hassle is all over.
The Thundergun's only weakness is its lack of ability to spawn drops. If you want a Max Ammo, you need to use the Ray Gun or Galil or RPK or whatever, which is just impossible on round like 40. Glad they gave the Thundergun the drop ability in BO3.
Although in this case it is a close competitor to the Thundergun, I believe that this should sit on top as the best gun in Black Ops. The main difference between the two is that the Raygun has a more suitable magazine for zombies. It's just as powerful if you know how to use it. Overall, this gun overtakes the Thundergun and the zombies!
Man, I love this. Oh no, zombies coming. Loads of them. Wait! I have a Raygun and just pack-a-punched it. Raygun shooting sound. Whew. That was close. Oh yes. Man, I love this gun.
Known to be the most powerful weapon ever in the game, including Black Ops 2. In World At War, the weapon was not as effective.
The Laminator (upgraded version of Galil) is AMAZING. The non-upgraded version is still pretty good too, but don't pack a punch until you have bullets and are in a struggle. Also, it has the best damage per shot of any full-auto gun in zombies.
Fast and does much damage. Also, has the most ammo as an assault rifle. Great gun upgrade.
HUGE magazine size and decent reload time. It doesn't work as well in later rounds, but it's still awesome for points then.
The HK is good at the start, but towards the longer rounds, it gets worse.
Should be at number four. It has a higher firing rate than the HK21 and three times the firing rate and power of the MP40. But seriously, why is the MP40 before the RPK? Obviously, you haven't tried to use the MP40 past round 8. The RPK, Galil, AUG, Raygun, Thundergun, and Monkey Bombs are about the only guns that do anything past round 15. The RPK is one of the top guns in the game. Can't beat that firing rate and 500 rounds!
Before getting Mule Kick, I always attempt to get RPK and Ray Gun. The RPK, especially once upgraded around round 20, will help you survive and make points. Overall, the gun is one of three guns I aim to get before I get my third.
Actually, I love this gun. I think it deserves the number 1 spot.
I love the Commando. I use it when I play Shangri-La, and it is a beast of a gun. It really makes me sad that it's only at 8th place. I think top 5 at least. It's got good iron sights and aim. It's got quite a bit of ammo, so that is another good sign of this gun. The Predator is a beast gun. Now imagine that gun with Double Tap 2.0 from Call of Duty BO2. That would probably be one of the best guns in all of zombies, besides wonder weapons. This is just my opinion.
Though supply is limited and it takes a couple of seconds to take effect, no weapon slots are needed and it temporarily negates all zombies except dogs.
This is super useful for saving a downed teammate or getting that group of zombies away.
This is the best wall gun in zombies and maybe the best non-wonder weapon. I'll tell you why. First, you need to have Double Tap. Once you get Double Tap, the rate of fire is good. You can buy ammo for it off the wall really cheap, so ammo is never ever a problem, and it has assault rifle damage.
This is one of the few guns that are better non-PaP because non-PaP, you can refill on ammo for only 500 points, but the PaP version of the MP40 is only 34 more reserve rounds and only gets a little tiny better rate of fire and damage, so you are better off with just non-PaPing it.
How is this not #1? It's literally an infinite damage weapon.
It's also the most satisfying weapon in the franchise.
The Newcomers
If PhD Flopper were in all maps, it could have been one of the best guns in all of Zombies.
Very good gun to buy up until round 13. Upgraded, it is solid until about round 22.
This gun should be in 5th place because it is AWESOME!
How is the Ray Gun on the list but not this?
Proven to be the most powerful gun in zombies history.
Why is this not at the top? Such a good gun, amazing.
This gun should be at least in the top 5. It's so much better than the RPK, HK, and Ray Gun.
Should be on top. Kills more zombies and has more ammo.
Why is the Thundergun in first and this in #16?
Easily one of the best shotguns in zombies.
I love the SPAS-12, but when it's pack-a-punched, the SPAS-24 is incredible: full auto, high damage, no need to aim.
I love jumping into the black hole randomly and teleporting away.
Should be number one when you upgrade it with the wolf upgrade.
I don't know what you guys think, but it should at least be number 5. It is a great gun for surviving in zombies. You can buy ammo if you're running low. It's an amazing gun in general.
The best weapon by far without having to upgrade. Unlimited ammo for 600 if you target groups of zombies in the theater.