Best Perks In Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

The Top Ten
1 Stopping Power

Cant go without it. Why? Because evreyone has it. You will simply not be able to kill a person fast enough and they will have you down in seconds.

Increases the damage of your bullets loads.

2 Bling

I like to have double guns, it makes life a helluva lot easier to deal with. Especially the nube tubers.

3 Cold-Blooded

now killstreaks are not a problem. I use it even when I'm not using stealth just to avoid helicopters an stuff.

4 Scavenger
5 Steady Aim
6 Last Stand

Helps you go Rambo! It's awesome!

7 Danger Close
8 Sleight of Hand
9 Ninja
10 SitRep
The Contenders
11 Commando

If you get it up grades you can jump off the highest place and still have fullhealth

Everyone hates this perk, thats why I love it so much.

12 Hardline
13 One Man Army
14 Marathon
15 Lightweight
16 Scrambler
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