Most Overrated Colors

The Top Ten
1 Blue

I think it's a good colour, but people say it's there favourite colour even though they know its not, just because it is popular. I have mixed opinions on this colour

This color is so overrated. I've asked 4 people their favorite color and half of them said blue. That is only 4 people, though.

I think it's a great color even when lots of people like it.

2 Green

The most peaceful colour though..Thank God this colour won!

3 Red

Red is a popular color because it's mostly the first color people think of. Imagine an apple. What color is the apple? It's most likely imagined as red, not green or yellow.

Other than that, blue is the most popular color due to it being the color of the sky, the sea, or merely because it's "cool".

Red is anything but overrated. It's always shown as the negative color. Blue and pink are overrated. Green is fine.

Red is a kids colour, ohhh sooo dangerous, NOT. Stupid sports cars and speed, not impressed. Who wears red clothes? Bachelors that think they're cool! Hence single

4 Pink

Yeah. Also overrated. It's the stereotypical color of princesses and tiaras.

It's so stereotypical that girls like pink

5 White
6 Purple

Purple is my favourite colour. It isn't really overrated but I really like it. I do also like blue and pink which are the most overrated.

7 Yellow

Yellow is for sure overrated. Put it at the bottom

8 Orange
9 Black

Everybody loved black so much, white is like dead. I feel bad for white sometimes (well except for the Pokémon black/white problem since Reshiram is insanely overrated so I like Zekrom more) and people just liked this color too much. What's so good about black? Demons and badass stuff? Seriously, not all badass stuff are black white is even more badass

The color of darkness and depression. And everyone loves it. Gross.

It is nice, but only really works with another color.

10 Gray
The Contenders
11 Gold
12 Cyan

Cyan is so overrated. Everything is Cyan.

13 Teal
14 Navy Blue
15 Silver
16 Lime Green

Oh it’s so lame... EVERYONE THINKS THIS IS THEIR KING COLOR BUT OVERALL IS NOT THAT GOOD COMPARED TO WHAT THEY SAY! Sorry on the caps, Lime is a great color but still WAY TOO overrated. Even Green is more underrated then Lime! Anyways Lime gets 75/100 score, great, but heavily overrated.

17 Night Sky
18 Magenta
19 Neon Pink
20 Neon Yellow
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