Top 10 Most Depressing Colors

My office went through a huge renovation, and the person in charge of the remodel used gray for the color scheme. The office is more depressing now. Even the cubicles are gray. So not only are we dealing with a depressing office color, but we are all separated in gray hell. It's so secluding and depressing.
Gray is neutrality personified. It is the middle ground of all colors. While perfect order is peaceful, it is also boring.
There is a reason why people say, "I see only gray." It basically means they are feeling pretty down.

This color is beautiful. It can be depressing, but it is still my favorite. Most of my clothes are this color. I do not know what that says about me.
Black is my happy color. It is the color of my soul, my eyeliner, and my clothing.
All you see is darkness, nothing, emptiness. It also kind of just reminds me of everything and nothing.

Brown is disliked.

It is like the color of the bottom of the sea, which reminds me of sinking, or feeling trapped, and unable to breathe. Or it could represent feeling super low and unable to see the light.
It really reminds me of night and makes me sleepy.
Dark blue? Well, this color reminds me of when I was little. I was drowning.

The color of my parents' house, which I've wanted to leave for years. It's also the color of the desert city I live in. Windy days color the whole sky beige, and from Breaking Bad, it's the color of the out-of-touch bourgeoisie.
Just a darker shade of white.

The reason is that it is dark and it will keep light out.
Like the night sky, beautiful but sad.

Depressing, just like the high school jerseys you love yet regret.
Maroon is the color I see every three days first thing in the morning.
Never liked this color and never will.

This makes it feel like you are in a jail cell.
I love this color because it is depressing.
Kinda like blood.

White: Blank and empty. It leaves you in silence, alone. It kind of makes you feel depressed and meaningless. Although other people may say the darker colors are the sadder ones, I think white is the saddest for me.
White is the most depressing color in my opinion.
There's nothing to it. It makes me feel alone.
The Newcomers

Yes, everyone likes blue while I don't.
Blue is for water, and I don't like water.

Makes me think of the shirts my mom made me wear with my overalls. Ugh, 90's hunter green.

It represents the color of tears. It makes me feel like I'm crying alone.
Just a dark blue, I understand.
This is just bland and dark.
Okay, so I looked up this color. I advise you not to do as I did.

It reminds me of war and, well, olives, which I find gross.
Worst color.

Represents loneliness and death.

Very depressing. Just not a good color.
I actually find this depressing.
It is kinda depressing.

I hate this color. It makes me sad just looking at it. I REFUSE. It is the worst color ever.