Top Ten Most Dramatic Ways to Enter a Room

Nearly everybody has a friend who loves making a dramatic entrance. Whether they are good at it or not, they can probably only dream of doing any of the below options. Safety precautions are advised. This list is stupid for a reason.
The Top Ten
1 With an explosion occurring directly behind you

This is the stuff of legends and movie trailers.

Don't forget that it's all slow motion too

While wearing sunglasses.

But what if you look back?

2 Inside the TARDIS

*Cue Doctor Who theme*

3 With a marching band in tow

This is how I always enter.

4 With a group of paparazzi in hot pursuit
5 In a tank

This isn't as dramatic as it is frightening.

6 Via teleportation

This would be fun

This would be my #1!

7 Accompanying the Darth Vader theme

Depends on my mood. Sometimes I need the "Jaws" theme

Especially when I'm serious

8 On the back of a lion

I've always wanted an enormous Lion as a pet that I could ride.

9 After shooting the doorman dead
10 On a unicycle
The Contenders
11 Swing in on the chandelier while wearing a cape
12 With the Star Wars theme song playing in the background

Already on the list

13 On the back of a bull
14 Through a cloud of smoke/fog

You don't already?

15 With a white tiger on a leash

Just like Siegfried and Roy

16 Appearing from a cloud
17 With a gang behind you
18 West Side Story style
19 With confetti in front of you
20 Accompanied by thunder and lightning

Just like Zeus

21 Bond. James bond
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