Top 10 Worst Family Guy Episodes of All-Time
While this wasn't the episode that made me quit watching this show, it was one of the signs to my grown man mind that it was really going downhill. The episode has Stewie's character at his absolute worst, being oblivious to what's going on with Brian to the point where you really have to question whether he actually cares about his own friend. It's not fun or funny to watch Brian have a racket, which is a really stupid thing to do, by the way. While his problem doesn't look so bad at first, he involves into his seizure that's not even pleasant to look at. The scene where Stewie had transformed into a monster. There's a reason that this is considered one of the worst episodes of the show, if not the worst: It's absolute crap.
While Family Guy began to lose its charm around Season 8 (when Cleveland left), I felt like this episode was truly the moment when Family Guy hit rock bottom. It was no longer a solid, fun comedy to enjoy but instead a sad, miserable shell of its former self.
While I don't think this episode is as bad as Herpe the Love Sore or Brian's a Bad Father (the worst in the series), there's no denying that this is one of the worst episodes of the entire series. It truly marked the moment when Family Guy hit rock bottom. Watching this episode made me realize how little Seth MacFarlane and the rest of the writing team cared for the show anymore.
Even The Simpsons, as much as they've declined since Season 10, still show that their writers care about the show and want it to stay relevant.
At first I was happy to see Brian back on the show. It was a miracle to me.
But now after watching this episode I couldn't believe I actually liked Brian in the first place. Brian gave an infant a ruthless disease that will last for his entire life and he doesn't care about in the slightest. He's treating it like he accidentally bumped into Stewie at the store.
I really don't know about you but that really is evil. He just gave someone an STD and he doesn't care at all. How could you guys not see how screwed up that it?! Brian ruined someone's life. And this is another reason I have to hate this stupid piece of crapcharacter. Yes I know I said that I was happy that they brought Brian back, but even before his death I started knows lots of things wrong that have been wrong with him lately.
This episode is probably the worst episode of the show for me, as not only was it just violent and disturbing to watch, with a gross and creepy aura surrounding it, it probably has one of the worst media portrayals of domestic violence out there. At first, I kind of felt bad for Brenda, as she gets hit by her husband on a daily basis and uses sunglasses to hide her black eye, but then it's revealed that she LOVES the abuser. Seriously, this is the main reason why this portrayal is unrealistic. You don't just give in to what the abuser says and does! I just feel bad for anyone who grew up in abusive households and had to watch this episode later in their life... my father used to listen to a lot of Chris Cagle (a country singer who got arrested under accused domestic violence charges)... yikes.
I may like the funny jokes, but the problem kinda sucked. What makes this episode fail is Peter marries Chris. He's pretty obnoxious, stupid, and hard to root for here, even when the episode tries to make him flanderized. While the show can do a lot of comedy with the facial expressions, there's something about this one that made them a little too creepy. The story is weak, the humor isn't that funny, and the story can be pretty padded. The supporting characters also felt really out of place. Even in what I feel is a very horrible episode, everything had way too many problems for me to forgive.
I actually don't HATE this episode. Was Brian a dick? Yes. Did he have a funny moment? Yes, which was when he drove off with the entire buffet table after Dylan pretty much holds a mirror to his face. What people need to realize about this one is that Brian doesn't stay as a jerk the whole time; he feels so guilty and angry at himself that he drinks to try to cope with depression. He's clearly sorry and he's man enough to face what he did! Cut the guy a little ' slack! I mean, Peter can burn down a children's hospital, abuse his daughter, "bond" with Stewie by torturing Lois, kick Joe out of his restaurant for being handicapped, attempt to marry his son just for money, and yell the "you-know-what" word in a black neighborhood, and no one says anything to him because he's Peter Griffin. Meanwhile, Brian can't write a book, be a little bit smug, go out with women, or try to advance his writing career by collaborating with his son (even though he screws up) without being the most hated guy on the show.
Family Guy just showed a perfect display of how in the beginning you can root for someone till the end they end up the villain. That was Meg when she brought religion into the family, but when Brian said he was an atheist Meg tried to to shove religion down his throat. But, Brian lied to Meg About being converted just so he can buy alcohol. That just made him look weak. Then he takes Meg to a BOOK BURNING, so Seth MacFarlane is saying that all religious people think that all books are harm to God and we want to go back to the Dark Ages. This insults religious people, atheists and all people in between this is the worst episode of the worst season of Family Guy
This was the episode that made me stop watching Family Guy. The episode is terrible even by recent Family Guy standards.
The "Plot A" of the episode is boring. Brian tries to pitch his T.V. pilot, and James Woods ruins it. None of the jokes involving this were funny. The "Plot B" of the episode is the real reason this episode reaches a new level of bad. Chris and Meg accidentally knock Stewie down a flight of stairs resulting in him cracking his head and exposing his brain, so they try to hide Stewie's injury from the rest of the family by making him wear hats and drawing eyes on his head. Peter finds out about the situation and helps Chris and Meg hide it from Lois.
This episode is chocked filled with gross out moments and characters who are at their most abhorrent. One cutaway gag shows Stewie at the park in what appears to be a coonskin cap, but then, the cap stars moving and reveals itself to be a REAL racoon. The racoon starts chewing and tugging at Stewie's brain, and Chris just watches LAUGHING. That entire cutaway gag was the worst part of the episode. As Chris, Meg, and Peter continue to hide Stewie's injury from Lois, Stewie's brain becomes gross and infected, but they still won't take him to the hospital. Finally, Meg takes a stand and convinces the others that Stewie needs medical help, but instead of just telling Lois what happened, Peter throws Stewie behind Lois' car making it look like she caused the injury. The way this scene was set up implied that it was supposed to be played for laughs, but I was too busy feeling sorry for Stewie because of how his family had treated him this entire episode. Lois wants to frame someone else for it, but Peter suggests taking Stewie to the hospital. The ending angered me so much that I wanted to throw my T.V. out the window.
I hate this episode so much, that I would rather watch "The Splinter" and "One Coarse Meal" from SpongeBob Squarepants ten times in a row than watch this episode once... more
This is an AMAZING episode. I honestly consider this the BEST episode of the series. Yet somehow the website ranks Quagmires dad as one of the best. wow America. Anyway this episode is beyond amazing and shows a new side of the writers. There were no stupid cutaways and the showed a new side to Brian. Brian is by far my most hated character on this show but this episode actually made me like him. (Until the one that came out after Quagmire's dad). The ending also really shows how much Brian and Stewy really love each other. This episode is the best of the series and I have no idea why you would put this on a list like this.
Why all the hate for Seth? He hasn't even written any episodes on this list. I don't think he's written any since North By North Quahog way back in Family Guys golden era. Also, it's an ADULT cartoon, if you're looking for serious intellect and day to day bull just stick to daytime dramas.
This is just a badly made episode. Now, I know that the FG team have a lot to do, bu to be honest, this is terrible. Its 5hit I'm afraid.
Even though this is an old episode I still hate it.
The Newcomers
Not a bad episode, but what "genius" came up with the Stewie (in Peter's body) going to a sex seminar with Lois and Lois really wanting to have sex story? So you could torture Stewie? Also, What's with the Shyamalan ending?
Stewie's body swap machine didn't break from overload. Some idiot from Star vs. The Forces of Evil broke into Stewie's room and intentionally broke the machine. I'd say it was either Glossaryck or Ponyhead, though they'd be very hard to beat up.
If you're going to try to portray a sensitive topic like that of transgender people your first step should be actually trying to find out what things are like from their perspective. When you don't you become as bad as a highlight reel of the status-quo bigoted jokes that EVERYONE HAS TOLD 1000 TIMES ALREADY. Ignoring the outright offensiveness of this it's just lazy. They even had Brian puke when he realized that he slept with a "man". Did they just find a laundry list of transphobic cliches and decided to use it as a checklist as they wrote it?
If you're going to be bigoted at least come up with a new way to be bigoted.
This list is pretty terrible. I see nothing wrong with a bunch of these, like... Probably the entire top 10. This episode, however, is terrible. There are a few good jokes, but the entire thing seems like 3 good ideas and 17 bad ideas poorly meshed together. The Conway Twitty part went on for way too long, definitely, but my least favorite jokes were the "dumb beaver" jokes. I also hated the scene where OJ randomly killed 2 people in the crowd after his terrible speech. The intro said this was a lost episode. It should've stayed lost.
Ugh this episode... is cringe inducing. It acts like men can't be sexually assaulted but they can. Lois is even more obnoxious and unlikable in this episode. Peter tries to tell her that he doesn't want to sleep with his boss. Yet Lois makes things way worse for him. Then his boss tries to commit suicide just because Peter doesn't want to sleep with her. Which is TERRIBLE by the way. Then Peter wears a disguise and does his boss. The overall message to this episode is bad, the writing is bad and the concept is bad overall. This is one of the worst episodes of the series.
The plot was Bonnie goes to Paris because she wants to have an affair. Now let me say this. People who cheat on their spouse are scumbaggy, but Bonnie is a particularly loathsome type of scumbag. She openly tells Lois about it. She is hands down the most detestable character on the show. Dull and boring and also hates her own husband enough to cheat on him and in another episode wants to kill him. Joe should've broken it off then, but because his character is faithful to his family and his friends, he'll keep forgiving her until they both die. Joe deserves way better than Bonnie. The episode as a whole just fell flat. I can't even remember anything else about the episode. Horrible premise to an otherwise forgettable episode.
The the scene where Peter eviscerates a whale with a forklift was the worst moment in Family Guy history bar none. I can't believe that everyone is complaining about "Life of Brian," but ignoring this abomination of an episode. I'd rather watch a 24 hour marathon of "Life of Brian" than this episode once again (especially the whale scene and the scene where Peter accidentally cooks his kids). When will the Family Guy writers realize that disturbing does not automatically equal funny?
Come on I love this episode! Yea the whale scene was gross and dragged out but I'm not going to condem the whole episode for that joke. I know that I don't like every single one of family guys jokes will be funny so I don't allow myself to hate an entire episode for one part unless the entire episode truly is horrible.
The main plot is good, but the subplot is just as lazy as the two season 8 episodes. Brian has seen Peter naked numerous of times before this episode so it definitely doesn't make sense and its lazy writing at it's most extreme. Another Brian-abused episode.
This episode was disgusting, very, VERY, violent, with a few sex jokes, and why the hell would Quagmire have a main role in this episode? It was very disturbing especially when brian goes naked.
This episode was hilarious and had no reason to be this high.
"HUNGRY, HUNGRY, more food on my pile! " Give the man who animated that cutaway a cookie. This is the only episode of the season I truly liked.
Hated it hated it hated it with every fiber of my being. I saw it once, never again. The "joke" in this episode is that Jesus is a manipulative, sex-crazed douchebag who wants to score with Lois. That's it. Now I understand that devout Christians are most likely not going to see this episode nor watch Family Guy at all for obvious reasons, but this just comes off as cringeworthy and not funny. Now, I'm not in any way perfect. I am myself a very lapsed non denominational Christian, however I am also aware of the sensitivities surrounding world faiths. In my view defaming revered icons of world religions is not funny. Where's the humor? "Oh look there's a sacred figure of a major world faith. Let's turn him/her into an ass." Were they taking a page out of Charlie Hebdo's playbook? Were they trying to be like South Park saying either it's all okay or none of it is? Is it just to push the boundaries of what they can get away with? They've already shown child murder, mass vehicular homicide, and teen suicide. And they think all of that is funny? There's always gonna be subtle blasphemy in movies and T.V., but this is just unfunny, blunt, down your throat, insulting, lowest common denominator writing Family Guy has ever done. Like seriously this episode should not have been made. It should be sucked out of the fabric of space and time. I can't believe television has devolved to such a low point. You'd think by 2014 there'd be some sort of collective wisdom when it comes to quality television. Forgive me for sounding preachy, but I'm really spurned by this one episode. This is even worse than "I Dream of Jesus". Although they do it here too, this one is at least memorable because of Surfin' Bird. At least it contributed something to the Family Guy universe. "2000 Year Old Virgin" is forgettable, unfunny, just awful in every way, yet somehow I remember it just enough to make me wish on every star that it would erase itself from all reality and parallel reality. There is no... more
This episode is good, Chip is cute and when Peter gets angry it's hilarious.
How is this not brought up with episodes like Herpe the Love Sore or Brian Griffin's House of Payne or A Fistful of Meg?
For the record, my bottom 10:
1. Seahorse Seashell Party (awful moral, boring)
2. Screams in Silence (awful moral, fails to be a PSA)
3. Herpe the Love Sore (kills Brian's originally likable character, gross)
4. Brian's a Bad Father (kills Brian's originally likable character)
5. Life of Brian (kills Brian, insulting, melodramatic)
6. Fresh Heir (gross, stupid)
7. Stewie is Enceinte (gross, stupid)
8. A Fistful of Meg (gross)
9. Not All Dogs Go To Heaven (awful moral)
10. Peter Problems (awful moral, gross)
And a few I don't mind so much: The Juice is Loose (Dust in the Wind scene was funny), Brian & Stewie (an interesting alternative to the norm), BG's HOP (the gross out just wasn't quite as bad and you knew he'd be fine, also the end was funny)
This episode is so racist and cruel. Peter gets his butt impaled on an Eiffel Tower replica, runs over tons of people at the Boston Marathon, sets off a bomb, etc.. Did I forget to mention that this episode was so offensive and racist with it's portrayals of terrorists, Fox never reran it for a few months.
Did I forget to mention the name sounds racist like they think what a Terrorist outfit looks like?
This is one of the worst episodes in the series, and it needs to be in the top ten.
Ain't too bad an episode. Sure, Brian's a dick, but his rant about walking out of the back room of a restaurant was pretty funny. I can't blame him for feeling mortified about that. A lot of times, the back of a restaurant is where people go out and beat the crap out of each other; it makes a bit of sense to me
Okay, I'll admit, Brian WAS a bit of a jerk in this episode. But then again, it's just the typical "fame goes into head" cliche.
Bri leaned a little bit over the edge in this one, but come on, his half-hearted apology to Stewie was hilarious, if not a tiny bit true.
I find it hypocritical that a show which promotes acceptance of LGBT people uses the overused stereotype of the effeminate and flamboyant gay man who likes musicals, baking and fruity cocktails. The writers should realise that being a gay man does not equal effeminacy, In fact most gay men hate camp gay men for giving other gay men a bad name.
This is an awful episode that says being gay is not a choice when Peter gets injected with a "gay serum." Then it later says being gay is bad because they send Peter and bunch of other people to a straight school.