Top Ten Worst Things About Five Nights at Freddy's
Almost everything bout this game is repetitive. Boring!
All the "nights" are the same only slightly harder.
Foxy fans suck. I know, my friend is a foxy fan. She HATES Springtrap because she thinks he quote on quote "Killed Foxy". Springtrap killed the CHILD but not Foxy, and she ADMITTED saying she liked the animatronics haunted more -_-. Also he is NOT good, you can NOT convince me he is unless Scott himself says he is. Also the p--n of him on the internet is really getting old, I can't search up FNAF without seeing it. -_-
The fandom is so cancerous (I'm not making fun of the disease) since they copyright the game and make porn of the characters.
It is ridiculously overrated.
Little debatable, not horrifying, but I did get a panic attack from the pitch of the scream when I actually played it, I don't play it anymore though.
Even if its not a scary game it is cool and awesome because the story of it. That's why scott made that game
I think this game is not at all scary and the scary and violent thing is only the back story
Unless it was like 50$ saying the worst thing about this 5$, let me rephrase that: FIVE DOLLAR, game on steam is like complaining about an ice cream sundae just because it isn't sprinkled with 20 dollar bills or something.
5 Dollars for a point and click game with spoilers every where on YouTube is overpriced if you ask me.
All games are cheap it's a small game like 1 dollar
The jumpscares are really cheesy, especially in the first two games.
Well their better then a million jumpscares you can try to pull
Honestly, the UCN and VR jumpscares are much better than the in game canon ones. I just don’t get why the jumpscares are so lame though
The only thing scary about it is when you first play and you get the first jumps are. When you play it again it's boring.
And that was the moment when I realized that the haters are worse than the fanbase.
Scott is trying way too hard to make a game.
I didn't get the second game (which is what I'm starting with) until I was 12 because my mom thought it was too scary! Wow.
I haven't actually played the game cause my parents won't let me. Arggghghghghh!
My parents don't care so I play fnaf it's a little scary I'm 9 but I like fnaf m8s
The Newcomers
It doesn't need so many games. They're repetitive and boring.
They are supposed to have 4 and that's all.
Well four is enough,I actually wish their was 3,if their was six their would be a problem
Wait wait wait... it does drain quick, but slow enough for you to win. Whoever put this on here just closed the doors and waited, didn't they?
Only complaint I have about FNAF, in Night 7 20/20/20/20, it is difficult to avoid running out of power without someone killing you, luckily, I passed it, an this only applies to FNAF 1.
It's so hard to focus on the box and the animatronics on Night 6. Confusing.
Too hard to flash light at animatronic while winding up box
Yeah. I hate winding that damn music box.
Not like Minecraft did it before it.
People always make porn and fetishes of the characters. Gross!
It wont ruin lives its just a game
The third game is my 2nd-least favourite in the series, but... how exactly?
If a boy's name is Freddy or a girl's is Bonnie, everybody runs away screaming from them. It happened to a new girl, Bonnie, and she was crying. She's just a little girl, not a stupid robot!
I get freddy krueger but the rest are stupid
I REALLY hate shippers. ", Chica and Foxy belong together! " They're kids stuffed into a robot suit. It's like shipping little kids!
I only somewhat ship Foxy and Chica. Nobody else. And yes, shipping children together is disturbing.
I hate foxy and chica shippers tooo! MANGLE IS SEXIER THAN CHICA!
Anyone else see Shadow Bonnie in the shadows? Or Springtrap whenever you close your eyes? After you do it for a long time, yeah sure the jumpscares are not scary, but it still prints those images in your mind that are impossible to get rid of.
The first time I watched a five nights at freddy video,
I had hallucinations