Top 10 Generating Enemies In Mario Games

This top 10 list is about Mario enemies that generate. Each of them have different ways to generate. No bosses included.
The Top Ten
1 Swoopin' Stu (Super Mario Sunshine)

This Stu can create ooze when its destroyed. Then more of these enemies will appear out of the ooze and create more ooze! When there's a lot of ooze, more and more of these enemies generate! They sure make a really big mess!

I like those Swoopin' Stus! Despite they create a mess, pounce on Mario, and explode and spread goop, they are just so cute I wish I could cuddle them.

2 Magikoopa (Super Mario World)

It can generate magic from its wand. The magic can either transform things, or generate more enemies.

Isn't his name Kamek?

3 Sentry Beam (Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2)

There are two kinds of Sentry Beams: one generates a beam of electricity, and the other generates waves of electricity.

4 Ty-Foo (Super Mario 3D World)

This giant cloud can generate very strong wind by blowing.

5 Fizzlit (Super Mario Galaxy 2)

When it flattens its body like a pancake, it generates electricity out of its body.

6 Baddie Box (Super Mario 3D Land)

This box can generate enemies like Goombas, Dry Bones, and Bob-ombs.

7 Bullet Bill Blaster (Super Mario Bros)

It generates Bullet Bills by firing them.

8 Blooper Nanny (Super Mario Bros 3)

This Blooper has Baby Bloopers. When the Blooper releases its babies, it can generate more babies to appear.

9 Volcano Lotus (Super Mario World)

This flower generates lava balls inside and then releases them in the air.

10 Snifit (Super Mario Bros 2)

It fires little bullets out of their mouths. They generate bullets to use them as weapons.

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