Top Ten Reasons Not All Furries are Bad People

If I see one more "let's euthanize all furries" comment, I swear I'm going to lose it. This is a response to the "Reasons to Hate Furries" list.
The Top Ten
1 Most furries aren't actually nymphomaniacs or bestiality supporters

I am a proud furry and I am aware that unfortunately there are some people in our community who think that it alright to commit bestiality. It is not. That goes against what I believe this community stands for. Curries are people who, by choice, joined the fandom because they too love anthropomorphic animals. That's all there is to it. I am a furry and I will be a furry even in death and please don't...uh...euthanize us or whatever

Furries are people who like (as things) anthropomorphic animals. I think anthropomorphic animals are awesome and I have made anthropomorphic animal characters, but I don't consider myself a furry. Keep in mind, I started creating those anthropomorphic characters I mentioned before I knew who furries were. I only knew that term (as a noun) as drawings of anthropomorphic animals.

It really disappoints me that so many people will find any excuse they can to hate on furries. No one ever bothers to actually learn about the fandom, because they think they know everything about them from mass media, like that God-forsaken episode of CSI. (You know the one I'm talking about.) TL;DR version: this is so sad can we punch Jerry Stahl in the gut?

If furries would figure out someone in their community does real bestiality, they would be hated and probably lynched virtually.

2 They go to hospitals and make children happy and raise money for charity

I heard that furries are quite altruistic and donate to many animal rights funds.

Also applies to ordinary people who donate to charity, not just furries.

At most if not all conventions they donate money to charity.

If a furry came into my hospital room I would die of cancer

3 Furries donate to charity for kids with cancer, autism, and abused animal shelters

This happens a bunch actually. At most furry conventions they donate money to charity. Anthrocon's donated $350,000 over the years.

Again, not all of them do.

4 Anthropomorphic animals aren't a big deal

It have been going on since like ancient egyptian mythology. Get what I'm going with this?

For real. I don't see what the big deal with liking animals who stand on their feet is.

Give me one good reason to hate furries that isn't "They are freaks." Go on.

5 The community is one of the most accepting and supporting ones out there
6 Most furries are falsely stereotyped

My friends bash furries all the time and I think what they say about them aren’t true. They say that furries are all about sex and nothing else. Real furries aren’t like that. Real furries are people who like anthropomorphic animals and they depict it by drawing (I want to learn to draw anthro characters mostly because I MADE anthro characters), fursuits/cosplaying, etc.

Yeah I have a friend who is a furry who likes to draw them, she is not like what most people think furries are like!

7 Most can be very normal, down to earth people
8 It isn't a fetish

True. I think people should love furries and learn more about us furries.

9 Furries are funny

Some furry vines are hilarious, especially those by Diezel Raccoon and Kero the Wolf (before the beastiality controversy against him).

So does any other non-furry people.

10 Most furries hate riffing as much as non-furries do
The Contenders
11 Most are very talented people
12 Most of them are kids

Young adults, but whatever,

13 They are cute and friendly
14 Most furries don't obsess over fur suits

Fur suits seem pretty interesting and a lot of the fursonas portrayed through fur suits are very creative, but won’t people get very hot in them? I gotta say, people that wear fur suits are very heat-resistant people.

I feel bad for anyone wearing them in the summer.

15 Most furries aren't actually into "yiffing"

Most people judge furries because the first thing they see when they type in "furry" onto google is a bunch of E621 bullcrap. They can't find the nice side of the community like the appropriate art.

Some might call me a furry, but I don't like being associated with the fandom because of this.

That is true, for I'm a furry myself and I'm not into this thing you call "Yiffing"

16 Furries can have unique art styles
17 Most furries are understanding of others
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