Hardest Things About Being a Top Ten User

The Top Ten
1 Coming Up With New Lists

I just go by the rule of thumb that if your gut feeling says your idea, no matter what it is, should stand out, then upload it. If you're stuck for ideas, just think of something that may have previously been unthought of.

Almost every great list idea has been done, its not always easy making a new list that someone hasn't already done.

Yep, definitely. Lately it has become really hard for me to come up with new good lists.

This always happens to me! It takes forever to come up with a new list.

2 Dealing With Criticism

There's always going to be people that don't like you and disagree with your tastes in music, movie and other things but that's part of being a member of the Top Tens Criticism is just a part of life.

There's plenty of people out there that hate on you because of your voting tastes or the types of lists you create.

I’ve been criticized so much that it doesn’t even bother me anymore

That is impossible for December 2017 me.

3 Getting Enough Attention from Other Users

Its easy for some but can be difficult for others, there are plenty of Top Ten Users out there who don't get enough attention.

4 Coming Up With a New TheTopTens User Name

I just copied mine from a picture, how unoriginal.

5 You cannot beat PositronWildhawk

Glambert said it best. We aren't competing with other toptenners, were rooting for them!

6 You cannot write funnier comments than Britgirl

Aww... Thank you! (I think) I'm just warped, I guess. Or something very much like it!

So true try as you may it can't be done.

Laugh out loud shes unstoppable

You can never beat her, Haha!

7 Dealing With Haters

The thing is, I agree with the mean things people say about me.

I just give them the middle finger

8 Chatting with andre56

What? This guy is awesome :) He's one of my best friends on this site

His grammar is atrocious.

9 Having to Deal With Fanboys Who Can't Respect Other Opinions
10 Trying to Make a Great Blog

If I make it, it is not good.

Wow, that's really hard.

The Contenders
11 Making a new list
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