Top 10 Best Things to Do on Black Friday Instead of Shop
The United States has become a commercialized country to the extent that we equate capitalism, commercialism, and democracy as all being the same thing. We are so materialistic that we spend a significant amount per consumer per day—exponentially more than most other nations.No day in the entire calendar makes American spending more obvious than the Friday after Thanksgiving - Black Friday. People have been trampled to death, shot, stabbed, killed in car crashes caused by early-morning drivers, and robbed in parking lots. Since 2006, there have been several reported incidents, injuries, and fatalities due to Black Friday shopping, all to secure discounted products at cheaper prices.
In the last decade, there have been movements to resist the consumerism spectacle that is Black Friday. One of these is Buy Nothing Day, an event meant to repurpose the Friday after Thanksgiving; participants not only refrain from purchasing from eager sellers but also aim to give something instead.
In a culture that breeds so much excess, perhaps the best way to give thanks is to actually express gratitude for all you have instead of giving thanks to manufacturers for providing cheaper prices.
Find a soup kitchen, shelter, thrift shop, or something similar. Give change to a homeless person. Give lunch to someone hungry. Give back to your community in some way.
You're helping people, learning, and having fun!
Yes! You can do this when it isn't Black Friday, too!
Don't even ask me that question. I will always agree with that idea.
Video games are educational and help with hand-eye coordination, which is beneficial for fitness.
Learning the piano? Knitting a sweater? Have a new BASE jumping fixation? Go out there and try it. Use the time to better yourself.
I'm not a big shopper at all. I would probably do something like this.
What better way to revolt against buying something than to get away from everything? There won't be any temptation to slip and buy something when you are miles away from stores.
Moby Dick, Canterbury Tales, 50 Shades of Grey (kidding about the good part), whatever you have lying around. Make yourself a drink, find a comfortable place to curl up, and use your imagination. There's a reason almost all good movies nowadays stem from a book.
I spend every Black Friday reading The Godfather, eating a nice plate of cookies, and watching funny YouTube videos. A lot of people in my hometown spend every Black Friday fighting over a new TV.
If you don't have a current hobby to work on, maybe pick up a new one. Do you know how to perform CPR? Maybe you should learn something about it. How about the guitar? You see where I'm going with this…
I do this every year. Laugh out loud.
I always laugh, but I feel really bad for the people working on Black Friday.
The Newcomers
Even if it's cold, snowy, and miserable outside, you can still enjoy what it is. Bundle up in the warmest clothes you have and pick a place you haven't been yet. Bring a camera if you have one, and document your day. Post it on Facebook or Instagram if you like. Show off to other people that you are above shopping.
Amazing! All those beautiful hills and breathing in all that glorious fresh air. It keeps you fit and clears your mind.
I know that's a dirty word, but try a simple experiment. Get some gloves and cleaner, and take 30 minutes to clean one thing. Don't get overwhelmed by thinking of your whole house as something to clean. Just pick one thing, like your toilet (the worst thing in your house to clean), and spend a solid 30 minutes doing nothing but that. Clean every single section of the toilet.
Once your 30 minutes is up, take a break and admire your work. Then move on to something else for 30 minutes.
I don't mean a box that will withstand a house fire for your documents (though that's a good idea too). I mean a list, collection, bag - something to document the things you would grab in a hurry if there was an emergency. You don't have to gather them into an actual box, but make sure you have the decision made in case the time ever comes.
Make sure your family members are also not participating in the Black Friday hubbub by tying them up on the phone. Remember that it isn't safe to talk on the phone while driving, so don't let them multitask. Take the time to catch up on their lives in a way other than short comments on Facebook.
Take some time to make a tradition out of spending time with those around you, not only on Thanksgiving but also the day after. Turn off your electronics and actually spend time playing with others. Do any of the other things on this list with a loved one, or pull out your pet's favorite toy.
It's good to get it out of the way. This will save you from the pressure. And maybe, let's not get the Christmas presents just yet. No, you're dodging Black Friday. Cool idea!
Instead of shopping on Black Friday, try getting ready for Christmas. Put on some classic Christmas music, put up your tree, hang decorations, watch a Christmas movie, and maybe make some cookies.
Get the decorating done so you don't have to do it later, and you can just relax during the season.
Ah... Total bliss! Especially if it's dull and cold outside. Wrap yourself in your duvet, stick on your favorite film, and drink gallons of hot tea. Wonderful!
Open your mind and let your imagination run wild like a hyperactive child.