Top 10 Worst Things About Christmas

Christmas is a great holiday, but there are definitely some strange and frustrating aspects to it.
The Top Ten
Christmas music

Christmas music sucks. It is one of the worst things about Christmas.

Santa's constant surveillance
Winter weather
Materialism over family values
Christmas commercials
Santa's non-existence

Based on Saint Nicholas, a real person. In ancient England, a man would dress up in a green or blue cloak. He was called Father Christmas.

He was not fat either. He was a performer. He wasn't even for children until Victorian times.

When I discovered Santa Claus isn't real, my childhood was done.

Santa Claus believers
Greedy kids

Kids these days want an Xbox One and Call of Duty. So not only are kids greedy, but also dumb.

Greedy kids should get coal instead of any console.

They should be grateful for what they have.

Unwanted gifts

The only time you'll ever see anyone be happy about getting underwear as a legitimate gift on Christmas is Mac getting it in Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends' Christmas special to prove that Santa is real.

Killing a tree

Not if it's artificial. My family and I always used a factory-made Christmas tree ever since my childhood.

Say what you want about it not feeling the same as getting a real tree, but hey, at least it saves trees and money and we don't have to clean up pine needles on the floor afterward.

People should rent trees just for Christmas and replant them afterward.

The Newcomers

? Closed pubs
? In-laws causing stress
The Contenders
Christmas songs in November

I don't like this either. I like a little Bing Crosby, Perry Como, or many others right before Christmas. Maybe a week is fine with me.

But to play it for so long makes it a drag for me. A local classic rock radio channel starts playing Holiday music on Thanksgiving day, then plays only Holiday music all day, every day until January 2. It's too much for me too.

Yeah, I hate when this happens. That goes with putting decorations up in that month too.

Shops bragging about sales
Christmas adverts in summer

This is the stupidest thing in history. Why does Christmas start in AUGUST now? August is five months before Christmas! Paul McCartney said, It only comes this time of year, but that means nothing when the aforementioned time of year is almost half of the whole year!

The only good part of this is that Christmas adverts take the time away from the funeral adverts! How I loathe them.

That is annoying. I would hate to see a Christmas ad in the middle of June, July, or August.

Overcrowded stores
Christmas decorations in August

That is too early for Christmas!

That is way too early to have Christmas decorations since it is four months away.

Forgetting Christmas's non-Christian origins

Christianity is not the first religion. Roman Paganism and Greek gods are older. There is no Heaven, there is no Hell, there is no Christian God, there is no Jesus. The Bible is a myth.

It's Saturnalia (Roman Pagan) and Yule (Celtic Pagan). Zeus is more likely to be real than the Christian God and Jesus.

Putting up and taking down unappreciated decorations
People bragging about gifts you didn't get
After Christmas letdown
Spoiled brats

And they even whine about not getting an iPhone for Christmas. Wow.

It is annoying when kids are spoiled brats and get upset when they don't get what they want.

I am happy when I get shirts and blankets. Some kids get mad when they get a PlayStation.

Fake Santas everywhere

Yeah, I know it's no joke. Some people imitate him or dress up like him too.

Removing Christ from Christmas
School in December

It feels like the teachers are more strict and the whole of December should just be a holiday.

Early Christmas preparations
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