Top 10 Most Bizzare Things That Could Be In Your Dream

The Top Ten
1 Normal

Sometimes these dreams are normal. But the reason why its weird is because dreams are suppose to be fn and not boring.

2 School

School is NOT bizzare

Hey speaking about school my teachers loved looking at those thetoptens lists

I had a few of these dreams:

-once was being naked in a bathroom stall with my mom, a teacher, and a random student
-another was a kid puking in gym

Once, I had a strange dream where I went to school and then every single person going there chased me for no reason! It felt epic when I was sleeping, and I woke up when I got chased all the way to Japan!

3 Spiders

Yes I know it sounds weird but its true. There's this one dream where there was a giant spider in my school. Its not a nightmare and I don't know what species of spider it is but its just a giant spider. And do I really need to explain whats the plot of it?

4 Spongebob Characters

I have a few dreams about them. For an example I had one dream where for some reason I was in a tree house and plankton was there and helped him get the secret fourmula. ITS SO BIZZARE!

I had one where SpongeBob jumped out of a trash can.

5 Sex

I had a dream that I was watching a video of 2 Shiba Inus having sex on YouTube while taking a math test at school

Don't Get Me Started

6 Short Dreams

My dreams are sometimes long, but they can also be short.

7 Wet Dreams

OH COME ON I DON'T LIKE THOSE! Every time I have to dream about them. My pants and boxers always smell and felt like some jell stuff that did not come out of my thing. I always have to wake up and wipe it off. WITH TOLIET PAPER!

8 Random People

I receive dreams of random people typically usually & generally want to start a family with me, in some dreams girls/women are sitting on me, other instances it/its/is romantic/romantically, in one dream I gotten a pregnant girl/woman pregnant, in another dream I'd pregnated 666 thousand girls/women. dreams with random people universally signals fertility

I had a dream where a toddler and his teenage brother in tuxedos were having a random dance-off on a table at a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown.

The toddler had a diaper on and no pants.

9 Pornography
10 Diapers
The Contenders
11 Nudity
12 Evil Twin

I had dreams where I had an evil twin who destroyed my entire house and constantly threw tantrums

13 2 Versions of You Co Existing

Earlier last year I had a dream where all my relatives went to a wedding in CA (the one that predicted the future a few months later). I recently had another CA wedding dream but in this version, not only did the adult version of me attended, but also the toddler version of me. In this version of the dream, both versions of me, my cousins, aunts, uncles, parents, and sister were in our aunt’s basement. The toddler version of me had a pink dress and pantyhose and white sneakers on, while the adult version of me had my regular formal wear on. Then, adult me, my dad, mom, my aunts, and toddler me walked across a huge parking lot to our cars to attend the tea ceremony/banquet (Everyone else went somewhere else to their cars) adult me, one aunt, and my dad went to one car, while mom, toddler me, and another aunt went to another car.

The ceremony/banquet scene never happened because I woke up after the scene where we all got into the car.

14 Random Places

Yes, my dreams mostly occur in my terrace. I keep running around and I fall down.

15 Cartoon Characters

UGH! Do I really need to say there names? Yes I already mention spongebob characters but there's others. Such as fish hooks, johnny test, and so on. I HATED THAT!

I am obsessed with the Backyardigans and I actually had a dream that Backyardigans characters were printed on Pampers diapers.

Disney's Hercules characters sometimes appears in my dreams

16 Sleeping In a Dream

One of the worst dreams ever. I mean how does this makes much sense? SLEEPING IN YOUR OWN DREAM? That's WORST THEN WET DREAMS! Its so annoying. Well that's it. I hope you like that list so bye.

17 Butts
18 Body Waste
19 Justin Bieber Justin Drew Bieber (born March 1, 1994) is a Canadian singer, songwriter, and record producer. He currently resides in Ontario, Canada and is Christian. He is the son of author Pattie Mallette. more.
20 Euthanasia

I had a dream where my little cousin was very sick and he had to be euthanized :(

21 Temper Tantrums

I had dreams where I threw temper tantrums over green tea rice and flipped a table over at a restaurant out of anger due to being embarrassed/yelled at by the entire family

22 Death
23 Your Parents
24 Your Relatives
25 Your Siblings
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