Top Ten Life Hacks

The Top Ten
1 Chew gum to study test in efficient way. Then chew the same flavor gum later, it will help you remember
2 If you want to extend length of trial of program, push back the date on your computer
3 Using an iPad charger will charge your phone much faster
4 If you're in exam/test and you forgot something, clench your fist to increase brain activity and improve memory
5 If you have a problem remembering things while studying, eating grapes improves your brain activity to process new information
6 If you want basic and short summary for something, go to simple Wikipedia

Try Scholarpedia. Concise, peer reviewed and advanced information.

7 If you need help in math homework, try going to
8 If you have high blood pressure, eat watermelon
9 If you have sore throat, drink some pineapple juice.
10 Play video games for thirty minutes before you go to bed to produce lucid dreams
The Contenders
11 If you have stuffy nose, leave a slice of onion near where you sleep. When you wake up, you will have clear nose
12 Have a coffee an hour after you wake up
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