Stupidest Things to Do at a Family Dinner

The Top Ten
1 Say God doesn't exist

My family all know that I'm a devout atheist and very vocal about this, but do they wince? No. Because they, like I, don't disrespect or oppress beliefs.

Prepare for dirty looks and possibly getting disowned by your family

2 Stick up a middle finger to your mother
3 Ask did this food come from the landfill or a factory?
4 Say Hillary lost for no reason
5 Come to the dinner drunk
6 Say we lord thank for you giving us the right to beat our wives
7 Die
8 Text while eating
9 Watch porn
10 Throw food at a relative

This would not end well for you

The Contenders
11 Invite Your Girlfriend
12 Come into the dinner looking like you robbed a bank
13 Say "I just s*** my pants
14 Smoke weed in front of everyone
15 Discuss politics
16 Fart
17 Bring McDonald's when there is a home cooked meal
18 Do Gangnam Style
19 Yell "I just got laid!"
20 Twerk
21 Scream
22 Talk with your mouth full
23 Burp
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