Top 10 Things People Most Easily Get Offended By

If you bring one of these up in a decent conversation, all hell could go loose.
The Top Ten
1 Religion

I'm sorry, but I see the complete opposite of it and I'm having a hard time believing that people get more offended by religion than people of religion who get offended by the people who aren't even religious at all. From where I live (I live deep down on the Bible Belt), I see ultra religious and Conservative people who just get easily offended or mostly just sensitive when it's concerning about religion. They treat religion like it's the most sacred, essential thing in life when it's clearly not.

I don't really see this as something that people get offended about beyond between two religions of no my God is the real God, but for those that don't believe the only thing that they get offended by is the forcing of their politics on everyone

Honestly, this one isn't that big an issue. As long as you don't tell them they're specifically wrong and just try to have a normal conversation, you most likely won't offend anyone. At least, I wouldn't be offended.

Sadly, this should probably be #1.

2 Nudity

Police Officers not allowing Anyone to be Naked in Public is normal also Anyone have been posting themselves being Naked which is not okay at all Anyone should be Arrested for posting themselves Naked.

Parents not wanting their kids to see nudity is a good and normal thing to do. But to see adults get offended by nudity is just crazy.

3 Politics

This one is understandable, especially in America the media and government leaders love to create divides in our country and the two party system is just inviting hate in an it is either us or them mentality aka the biggest part of cults

Some people take politics way too seriously.

Thanksgiving dinner has the real tea

4 Politicians

I think this is more of his supporters more than Trump himself and how they are so willing to blindly follow him and constantly excuse people that bring up legitimate issues with the things Trump does they automatically say oh your just a stupid liberal that knows nothing and obviously just absolutely hate Trump with no evidence or valid reason to say that

Let's settle this now. He is just a human like us and imagine if you were in his position.

Yeah, that's true. I say this as a person who doesn't support Trump at all.

5 Violence

More like the people who say that "Video Games causes violence". I swear to God, they're like Facebook soccer moms.

There is something strange about anyone who isn't offended by violence.

That picture though lol sorry

6 Stereotypes

I mean, some stereotypes are offensive though

7 LGBT Community

I really don't understand why this offends people so much they are people trying to live their lives just like heterosexuals, but for some reason just because it is against the norm a lot likes to threaten and make their lives a living hell. all this get offended over a homosexual or transgendered person is the reason there is such a high suicide rate within this community

I feel sorry for them.

8 Gender

The people that get offended by this the most are the ones that believe there are more than two genders. Whenever someone disagrees with them (you could even call it : when someone says the truth) they go in a fit of rage.

This a lot of people still just don't understand and with anything people don't understand they get very afraid of it

I don't get why stuff like "cisgender" even exist. Why not just keep things simple?

There are only 2 genders; nothing more.

9 Swearing

Swearing is inappropriate and forbidden

10 Communism

Communism not so much but the idea of socialism absolutely get offended by because they automaticaly just assume socialism is the same as communism and usually don't even understand what socialism is

*soviet union theme plays*

The Contenders
11 Confederate States of America
12 Fatal Illnesses
13 Racism
14 Differing Views and Opinions
15 Money
16 Sex Jokes

Userguy44 you are SO LUCKY you haven't heard these jokes. They're so gross.

17 Homicide

It's the worst thing on earth.

18 Bronies A brony is an adult male fan of the Hasbro animated series My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The fandom gained enormous popularity during the 2010s.
19 Furries
20 Insults
21 Jokes

How isn't this higher? Literally every joke nowadays turns into a media-fest.

22 Animation Styles
23 National Socialist Movement
24 Fascism
25 Movies
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