Top Ten Things You Hate About Yourself

The Top Ten
1 Forgetfulness

This is a big thing that I hate in my life. Here's an example. I was playing with one of my friends by calling him on a phone, and then I found a game I never played that I wanted to play, but I though to play his game, and after like 7 minutes of playing, I forgot about it, and I still don't have a clue about what it it 😂

Everything I have in my hand has a 99.99% chance of being gone later, because there's 99.99% chance that I'll forget where I put them

You think of the perfect comeback, FORTY MINUTES LATER! I hate that...

2 Can't sleep

I don't know why but I can't sleep at night

I can't sleep at all

Me in a nutshell.

3 Laziness

Yeah sometimes I'm terribly lazy like right now where I wanna do some work but I'm too lazy so I'm commenting here

History homework...Physics test tomorrow...I have to get up, study, and do my homework...ah, too lazy...

At school all I can think of is lying down on my bed

It actually depends what I have to do

4 Leaves everything to the last minute

I do this deliberately so life can't interfere with me. It works.

Ugh I do this all the time specially if I have homework

5 Can't wake up in the morning

My mom always shouts at me for this

6 You have a weakness

Everyone does. What I hate about me is how my biggest weaknesses (shyness and unconfidence) are slowly crushing my dream of being an author (they've crushed my dream of being a rock/metal band member. If I don't get rid of those weaknesses quickly, my dream of being an author will be crush as well)

Everyone does...

7 Everyone hates you

I sometimes get the feeling that everyone including my family actually hates me. I'm not sure if that's true though

All humans hate me supposedly

Even your parents?

Actually I honestly don't care who hates me..because it's a waste of time lol.
Haters..How about getting a life?

8 Mumble while you read
9 Keep making the same mistake more than once

Not thinking twice before acting is a mistake of mine that I've done over and over again

Yes! This is terrible of me! I'm learning though...

10 You think you suck at life

Yeah, I feel I do and I hate it.

The Contenders
11 Sleep talk

Oh I used to do this as a kid!

12 You think you're stupid
13 You can't be bothered to do anything
14 Cry for no reason

Whenever I sing a song I get kinda teary

15 You are completely antisocial
16 Your life
17 Your appearance

My nose is bigger than Tyra Bank's forehead.

The way you look

18 Your face
19 You have no significant other
20 You can be selfish
21 Eat all the time
22 Your childhood

Especially if you had bad or unwanted memories you wish never happened.

I do not have much of a child hood. I can't remember a thing about it

23 Your future
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