Top 10 Things You Only Like When You're Older

"EW! That!? I could never imagine doing THAT! " Oh younger you, you were so naive.
The Top Ten
1 Kissing

Like, seriously, man. Cooties.

2 Reading

True story:
When I was younger, I loved to read books, especially Harry potter books. Because I was smart and I read a lot, some years later, I got a scholarship to Harvard

We've all known some avid readers through our lives, but for most of us, it took a while to ever open a book under our own will. Well, a book without pictures.

In a school environment very obviously because of the environmental factors

I can't think of anyone of any age who wouldn't appreciate reading, at least!

3 Tomatoes

I have always liked tomatoes, but not in all forms. I've never been able to swallow ketchup.

I despise tomatoes but I love ketchup, tomato sauce (without the chunks) etc. etc. etc.

Along with tomato sauce, tomato soup, etc.

Love tomatoes. All forms.

4 Money
5 Exercising

I certainly hope so. When my metabolism slows, I'll sure need it.

6 Fashion

I love fashion since I was 6 (I'm 16 now) when I was 5 I thought it was a silly word I still LOVES fashion

7 Horror Movies

Maybe so but the interest in watching them comes fairly young. Until they get older and release that they weren't missing out on a lot.

8 Classical Music

I'd go so far as under the age of 18. When someone asks me what music I like, I mention The Beatles, David Bowie, Paul Simon, and The Doors before I mention classical--just so they don't immediately think I'm weird.

Just one thing: concert bands generally don't perform classical music.

Sure, there's some people who will NEVER respect classical music, but I'm sure most of us were dying to get up and run around during any orchestra or concert band concerts that we saw under the age of 10.

Definitely not for kids, or usually not even for teenagers. Appreciation of classical music is closely linked to maturity.

I kinda do like classical music.

9 Girls

Boys in elementary school hate girls and make fun of them. But in middle and high school, they have crushes on them.

OOH NOO, that's all wrong, at my high school, girls are scared of boys and boys are scared of girls.

When I was younger I thought girls were superior to boys, and I'm a boy (don't judge me)

10 Violent Movies
The Contenders
11 Sex

You meant ONLY right? but everyone does not like sex sometimes

Kids don't even know what it is

This Shouldn't Be Here

12 Rap Music

I'm about as goody-two-shoes as it gets, and I enjoy select raps. The meaningful ones, at least. The other stuff is terrible and screamy. You can say it isn't real music, I don't particularly mind. I don't have musical taste, I just listen to the words.

Most people acquire their taste for this when they go to jail for the first time.

13 Virginity
14 Violent Video Games

This item doesn't belong on this list. Kids play that stuff all the time.

15 Big Dogs
16 The Banjo

I'm not even joking. Little kids seem to think of the banjo as some weird foreign piece of machinery, but then suddenly you turn 14 and "Woah you play the banjo!? Dude, awesome! "

17 Broccoli
18 Socks

11-year-old self: Why did you get me socks for Christmas? They're boring!

21-year-old self: Yes! I needed these!

19 Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865) was an American lawyer and statesman who served as the 16th president of the United States from 1861 until his assassination in 1865. Lincoln led the nation through the American Civil War and succeeded in preserving the Union, abolishing slavery, bolstering the federal government, and modernizing the U.S. economy. He married Mary Todd and they had four boys, only one of whom lived to maturity. In 1858 Lincoln ran against Stephen A. Douglas for Senator. He lost the election, but in debating with Douglas he gained a national reputation that won him the Republican nomination for President in 1860.
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