Shadowthehedgehog's Favorite Nintendo Switch Games
As you all probably know, I'm a gamer. here are some of my favorite switch games that i've played so far.
Probably my favorite. I had a lot of fun trying everything out.

My first sonic game ever. It was a lot of fun and I was even more fun when I got the DLC episode Episode Shadow. I also like the main antagonist.
Quick question, can you make a list where you list your favorite Sonic games, please? I would like to see your opinion.

I spent over 13 hours playing it. And then me and a friend played some of it. I fell in love with driblee.
Just got it a few days ago and I've already beaten 5 ordeals.
I'm not quite done with the story mode. (I took a break ever since I got some new games) but I love this game a lot.
I'm planning on renting this game again so me and my friend can play it together. I've played it solo and it's a lot of fun.

I've played this alone and with a friend. I let my friend borrow the game so he could unlock all the karts for us to use.
This is definitely one of my favorite Nintendo Switch games.

My first nintendo switch game.

Just got this one yesterday. I'm very good at breaking rackets

I hadn't seen any videos of this one, but I saw the main character and I recognized him from smash so I decided to get it. I never finished it because then my hold for kirby star allies came and I had to return it, but I hope to get back to it someday