Best Mario Party 2 Boards

Mario Party 2, the second installment of the Mario Party series. The boards are fine overall, but there are no extreme stand-outs or atrocities. So here is the ranking.
The Top Ten
1 Western Land

This was the board I started with, and while I didn't have too high impressions on it from the start, having now grown familiar with Mario Party 2, I'd say it's my 2nd favourite board in the game. Mostly because of the music, which is the best in the game, but also because it's easy while still being relatively interesting. There are a load of stuff that can happen, like the very cool train which passes across the board occasionally if you land on happening spaces. So this is #2 place.

2 Horror Land

I had a little too high expectations on this one..., this was the board which introduced day and night..., and it's fun for a few seconds. No but honestly 6 corrected every flaw of this mechanic which was introduced in this board. The night doesn't come with much benefits as some paths are completely blocked off, whereas on the day you can access everywhere. And while it changes automatically every 2nd turn, you can switch the time even by just landing on a happening space. That's just kind of broken and ruins planned strategies. Either way, this board is one of the best of the game, because while the mechanic is broken, it's still pretty unique. Plus it's got amazing atmosphere and music.

3 Bowser Land

This board is completely forgettable and has no interesting features. It's just a "Bowser" board with some lava here and there..., plus just being a square with even less pathways crossing through than in Space Land..., it's just really boring. Although the reversed bank space mechanic is pretty cool...

4 Pirate Land

The first board, and I quite liked it a bit. The beach atmosphere was pretty chilling, the events were relatively forgiving (unlike a certain Space Land), and it was just an overall decent ride. Not as good as Mystery or Western Land due to being a little less content-filled but still fine.

5 Space Land

Great music, but forgettable layout and TERRIBLE ANNOYING events. This board is basically just a square with paths crossing across that square, and every time someone passes through the middle, a counter goes down one number, and whoever stands in front of Bowser once it's 0 loses all their coins..., except you literally already know where Bowser is standing to begin with, which defeats this entire purpose. The worst offender though are the freakin Whomps in hovercars. If you land on a happening space, they will essentially force you to move back several spaces, so you can theoretically be stuck forever on this board, not reaching the star. Really annoying...

6 Mystery Land

Despite the general opinion on Mystery Land, I felt that I had the most enjoyment on this board out of all the six. Mario Party 2's boards to begin with are kind of boring and at best only above-average, so naturally I liked Mystery Land far more because it had more tension and dangers to worry about than any of the others. While yes, it is an island hopper, they made there be multiple ways to travel between islands. There are both happening spaces, or you can buy a skeleton key to get out of your island. It brings luck and strategy together, and to top it off with the best atmosphere and one of the best songs in the game, Mystery Land is my favourite board in Mario Party 2.

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