Top 10 Best Meme References that Mario's Mystery Meat Features

The Top Ten
1 Meat is the MSN Earthworm
2 When Rizon Fortress gets taken over by Will Smith, all of the enemies that it contains become giant copies of his head while its background music becomes him saying "YAHHH; it's Rewind Time"
3 The incredibly weird Hugh Manns that live in Chat City talk in a way that is a hilariously over-the-top parody of Twitch/Vinesauce Chat
4 When the main narrator of Mario's Early Years says that Jay Leno "is the opposite of funny" during the game, she is talking about both Jay Leno and Vinny's incredibly annoying impression of Jay Leno
5 Pasta Land is made out of "lotsa spaghetti"
6 In Sponge's boss "fight" against Bud Dink, Bud Dink says both "very expensive" and "YOU BROKE MY GRILL?!" and even reenacts Vinesauce's infamous "Dink Chairs" joke
7 When the main narrator of Mario's Early Years asks Mario and Luigi what their thoughts on CBT are, Mario and Luigi answer said question in a way that looks and is exactly like "Mario Bros. Views"
8 Daksu's Hideout is loaded with birds due to the fact that Vinesauce's Vinny has a bird fetish
9 The game uses Undertale's/Earthbound's "Megalovania" as the theme song of Bud Dink's second form during Sponge's boss "fight" against Bud Dink
10 Many of the enemies that Sponge encounters in Cursed Image Land are Ralph Bluetawn faces, Donkey Kong faces and Slime Girls
The Contenders
11 When Sponge walks through the doorway that appears at the end of the game's intro, he does so in a way that causes him to look exactly like Hotel Mario's version of Mario
12 Because Vinny likes to call himself "PizzaPasta", Pasta Land is made out of pasta and pizza
13 The boss that appears in Pasta Land is the same dancing sausage that appears in The Sausage Song
14 The singing Meats that appear in Cursed Image Land sing the theme song of Hong Kong 97
15 One of the background objects that appear in Pasta Land is a much more creepy-looking version of Speed Luigi
16 The Space Kids that appear in the Urinary Sea yell "DOODLE DIP" when Sponge squashes them
17 Innyume's Smile Ghost appears in Bird Hell
18 Vine Rizon is one of the game's main villains
19 Sponge unlocks the front door of the second part of Daksu's Hideout by placing a missing B Block into a giant display of the phrase "Scoot the Burbs"
20 Daksu is made out of Animal Crossing characters
21 When the narrator of the game's intro asks "what is a meatless plate of spaghetti?", Dracula answers said question by yelling "A MISERABLE little PILE of SECRETS!"
22 The Hugh Manns that live in Chat City are incredibly similar to the G-Men that live in Boyd Cooper's mind in Psychonauts
23 Scoot and Kermit appear as audience members in the arena that Sponge finds in Chat City's basement
24 One of the Rizon Fortress's rooms allows Sponge to take Nicolas Cage's Face Off
25 One of the attacks that Sponge can use in the game's Earthbound battles is "swinging his arms from side to side"
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