Top 10 Best Minecraft Build Ideas

Everyone loves building in Minecraft, but when you're short on ideas, here are some suggestions to help you get started.

Feel free to customize these builds and share them with people around the world!

If you've already built one of these, let us know about your experience in the comments!
The Top Ten
Train Station

One of the hardest things to build is a train station, as one is generally large and has 10+ platforms. You have to build a hub, then a food court and mall, then the roof and platforms, and the trains! Do not try if you are quick-tempered.

However, once finished, it is very satisfying, so it's worth it!

Shiny futuristic subway stations are great.

Everyone needs a train station in Minecraft. Otherwise, how are they going to get to places quickly? Of course, they can walk, but legs do get tired. So, I recommend it for everyone who is currently playing Minecraft or even if you're not playing it, you will eventually have to build a train station.

I don't know how to build a train station, but I will search up "HOW TO BUILD A TRAIN STATION IN Minecraft?"

One of the worst Minecraft builders,

A Giant Screw
A Castle

Sounds super cool! If the prison idea I posted works, make a castle with a prison!


Yes! This is my motivation for buying a new computer, so I can build the house of my dreams. Ideas are endless.

Holiday Resort

Go build a beach and giant hotel with a beautiful garden. Hop in and tan.

Air Mail
A Ship
Modern City

Again, this is a large build. It takes a long time to build but is great for your economy server and roleplayers!

A Giant CD
A Castle Made of Sand

Make sure you don't forget airlocks, or HAVE FUN SUFFOCATING INSIDE.

The Newcomers

? A Prison to Hold Mobs
? A Cathedral
The Contenders
Automatic Farm
A City
PVP Arena

Fight your friends in a PvP map you made! Lure them into traps you planted around and see them rage!

A Giant Flashlight
A Temple
Mob Grinders

For the survival players. You like to fight mobs, right? But eventually, it will get dangerous, even if you look cool outside (overrun by too many creepers). So this is a great addition to your survival world, don't you think? And you can practice redstone when building this.

A Giant Speaker
A Giant Lego Brick

I am a LEGO geek, yes. But that sounds really weird... I don't know. I may try it...


One of the most popular PvP games in Minecraft, you surely want to play it on your own premises! Made one and hit your friends off their bridge! Also, trains your build skill of floating islands.

By the way, you can submit that to your favorite server and beat other strangers.

Skywars is my favorite game on my favorite multiplayer Minecraft server, Mineplex, and building my own would be so cool!

A Tower
Statue of Yourself

Just for fun, and it looks pretty cool in your world.


Fancy being a teacher? Now build your own school and teach strangers about everything in life.

A Statue of Your Favorite Superhero or Villain
Redstone Machines

For your mob farm.

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