Top Ten Reasons Why Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe Was Bad

This may be a bit hypocritical, but I never played this game for myself. But the in general is bad. If you like it, that's fine. So here's my list.
The Top Ten
The fatalities are horrible

What made Mortal Kombat unique was it's finishing attacks. Bit don't deserve to be called fatalities at all!

No decapitations and bisections? No getting chopped in half?

Now I need to tell my friend, he just got the game.

It should've been "Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighters"
The gameplay is mediocre

How do expect Mortal Kombat Characters like Scorpion or Sub-Zero to be able to stand to stand up to some of the worlds most powerful heroes? Some of the DC characters can DESTROY planets!

Many DC characters are to powerful for Mortal Kombat characters

Superman and Batman could take down more than half of the Mortal Kombat cast. If all else fails, bring in Doomsday...

It's a disgrace to the Mortal Kombat franchise
At the time, Mortal Kombat wasn't ready for a crossover

Injustice: Gods Among Us made up for this game.

Lots of the good characters are left out
It fells like there was no effort put into it

The story...It was all about the "RAGE".

The game in general is bland and boring
There's hardly any blood

A Mortal Kombat game with no blood is a no go for me

How could you call this a Mortal Kombat game?

The Contenders
Scorpion becomes human
Only Jax and Sub Zero are resurrected
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