Top 10 Worst Last Names

The Top Ten

This name should receive the honor of being number 1. I mean, who likes Justin Bieber? If you do, reply to me so I can be shocked and put your name in Guinness World Records 2016. Justin Bieber, get a new career. My eardrums need to survive!

10/10 worst last name a person could have. My friend's name is Dustin Bieber, and he gets bullied at school every day.

Reminds me of Justin Bieber. Disgusting. I wonder how other girls even liked him. He even forgot the lyrics to one of his songs.


Imagine having the same name as a certain German dictator. If you had to go through the process of changing your name, you would probably get looks if you said that was your name. People might assume that you are related to the guy who committed the Holocaust.

I feel so sorry for any Germans who have this as a first or last name. No, I feel so sorry for anyone who has this as a first or last name.

Anyone with this name would be taken as a joke because he was a German dictator during World War II. This last name is just sad.


Seriously, who would want a last name that means you sleep with people for money?

This was my substitute teacher's last name in college.

Laugh out loud. Imagine if you met someone called Virginia Hooker.


There are multiple variations of this name too. Had the misfortune of being a "Bonar," know a relative that even spells it "Boner." Makes new schools very interesting, at least.

S. Bonner from Jersey. By far the worst last name. Well, at least one of them.


Oh wow, I imagine that it's worse for children or adults who don't swear. Someone just says, 'Oh, crap!' and then someone with that last name must think they were talking to them. I feel sorry for anyone with immature friends who giggle hysterically whenever their friend's last name is said.

When I first saw this last name (about 3 seconds ago), I thought of someone taking a crap in elementary school and that's his name from now on.

Why does this remind me of the South Park episode "More Crap"?


Who the hell would want to have this name? This is offensive!

How rude. I am a dark (light) skinned.


His corrupt ancestors in Germany were named Drumpf. While Drumpf sounds like a joke name - an insult, Trump has turned his "revised" family name of Trump to be reviled throughout the world, with the minor exception of a few right-wing extremists.

Ah, yes. The name of the greatest idiot this century, and as if that wasn't enough he's also a power-crazy bigot! No sane person would EVER want to be associated with that!

I would absolutely hate to share a name with the worst leader and best dictator ever to walk the Earth.


I like vowels in my words... More than one... Thank god I am not Polish... How the heck do people speak like that... My grandparents are from Poland, not me, and I thank god their last name is not that bad.

How the hell do you even pronounce that?

How the hell is this pronounced?


I feel like someone must have fallen asleep on their computer. No offense, but someone in my class at school has a complicated last name. It is a Russian last name. When I first saw her last name, I was like, "How on Earth do you pronounce this?!"

What I'm saying is that it looked a lot like randomly typed-up gibberish, similar to Przbyszewski. I don't want to cyberbully, but the last name felt more like gkjanfkjakjfasfkjansdf-ova to some non-Russian people. What I mean to say is that some people mispronounce her last name unintentionally, and sometimes they have to ask her because it looks unusual to them.


I know a girl with this last name, and it is awful. Her last name is the same thing as a fluid that transports STDs.

This is actually a common last name, but it is named after a fluid that transports STDs.

Why would you name a kid after something that transports STDs?

The Newcomers

? Dumpling

While many people love dumplings, some might consider them "the worst" due to potential issues like a doughy texture if not cooked properly, overly greasy fillings, bland flavor if not seasoned well, or the time-consuming preparation process.

Additionally, there may be a lack of variety in fillings depending on where you get them, leading to a repetitive taste experience. Essentially, the quality of a dumpling can vary greatly based on the ingredients and cooking method used.

? Pig

Pigs are often considered one of the dirtiest farm animals because they love to roll around in mud and muck.

Pigs have a bad reputation because they were seen as selfish and filthy animals.

Pig is the worst last name ever!

The Contenders

Bad enough as a first name, but at least then you can change to Richard or something, if it's short for Richard that is. But if it's your surname, you've got to wait until you can legally change it.

My best friend's last name is Dick. Think of who feels bad with seeing their last name on here. Good thing she hasn't seen it.

I feel bad for the children who like Moby Dick. I read about a book with a kid called Moby, and he named his puppy Dick.


This would have been a terrible last name in the late 2000s. I can remember people back then saying "that's so gay" if they thought something was poor in quality.


This is the worst last name I have encountered.

This is one of my least favorite last names.

This is the worst last name I've ever heard.


I wouldn't necessarily say this is a bad name. The poor kid is going to get made fun of by immature 14-year-olds.


Arreola is my least favorite last name.

Arreola is the worst last name ever!

I don't like this last name at all.


Nobody likes this last name at all.

I don't like this last name at all.


Belcher is my least favorite last name.

This is the worst last name in the world.

This is the worst last name ever!


This made me laugh. My last name is the fourth worst, right above Bonner and Seaman. Really appreciate it.


I see what they did! Emily-is-an-nose-witch!
See, I did it mommy!

See what I mean? My last name is at least Brown!

It would make sense if your first name is Emilia and your last name is Nowicz, but together? Man.

Again, a cat might have stepped on the computer.


No problems with being gay, in fact, I'm friends with gay people. But there are some cruel people out there who would make fun of people with this surname, which is truly unfair.

I know someone in my grade with the last name Gay. I feel really bad for him, but I haven't heard of anybody being unkind about it.

I had a case manager at school called Mrs. Gay. I feel sorry for her husband because his name must be Mr. Gay.


This is the worst last name everybody has ever heard.


Fart is the worst last name ever!


What kind of a surname is this?! McDonald is pretty bad, but McUgly? Who comes up with these names?

Everybody thinks that McUgly is an underrated last name.

Literally, who would have this last name?

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